TallStraw's Second Run!! :D


Active Member
2 5/8oz tang dream
1 1/2oz Blue dream/og kush
1 1/4oz Skittles
2 3/8oz Grape krush
7/8-1oz Dj short blueberry
1/8oz trainwreck
1/4oz Dairy queen
1/8oz Pineapple Xpress

We pulled like 9oz this pull, maybe 10 after I get the humidity right, because some are too dry.

Just started flowering the 3 biggest plants. Germed 10 7/8 sour seeds, and am gonna pick the vest pheno for a mother plannt. My other plants are all at the disired height I wanted them, and am gonna start scrogging them now. Did a 2 day dark period to start flowering..then peft it alone. Went to go check the plants to water them on day 4. Realized I never turned the lights on, so the timer could do it's job.... -_- they're recovering though :) they were a little wilted looking.


Active Member
Started these May 24th. After a breakup, her giving them away, and getting thrm back. The fan leaves on the wgutw widow I just got back are yellowing. I PH the water everytime, and add calmag. Even though the women that helf onto the plants for a few weeks, basicallyruined them. I'm revegging and they're coming back strong, shicked as fuck. But coming back. Do you think my yellowing fan leaves could be from shock, Bad ph, or from foxfarm finally running out of nutes. They've basically been growing for like 3 months. So I assume the FFOF should be like out of nutes. Should I start adding in a soil formula, or just top dress with stuff? To make up for the plants we didn't get back I started moreseeds.
Chunky Cheese
Sleestack x skunk #1
Ww x Ww
Black Domina x Super skunk (hasbt germed yet)


Well-Known Member
You could re-amend your soil to help out. I have never had to re-gen soil during veg, so I use the fox farm happy frog veg and bloom to top dress. It works great but is 5-8-4, you may want something with a little more N. You could use it and add in some additional bloodmeal for a boost of N. Just start it slow since they are already somewhat traumatized.


Active Member
Awesome. Thanks man. I'll just add some more foxfarm mixed up with some light.blood meal. Thos chick fucked up perfectly strong robust plants. I have no idea how.


Well-Known Member
hey tallstraw. just checked out the grow and ur plants looked sexy. that one pic with the crazy rrooots looked like fucking goldylocks hair.
nice 9 oz harvest a lil while back and the strains sound delicious. your post about the clown from WA who kept was coming in the crib and being a Mooch
off your girl. its funny cuz im from the northeast and he wooulda got the fucking boot day one. from a couple posts
back tho looks like you broke up with her? did she go live with MOochie the MOocher? cuz any chick who lets a dude mooch of
her like that. also wants to mooch off his penis. sorry bro.

sick thread tho. i really wanna use those air pots. have u ever trannsplanted from an air pot into a bigger non air pot? would tranplanting it
kill the roots?


Active Member
Ive never done it, but I can't see it doing any good. The root mass can get much batter in an airpot and it's unlikely it will ever rootbind itself for the most part. Nope, she didn't Im still fuckin her lol. I say stick with the airpot.


Active Member
3 solid months. No PM. Got rid of it last time. Hadn't had it the second time around for 3 months of growing. Give the plants away. Get em back. And now I have to deal with PM. This is becoming so much of a hassle it's not even funny...Those people are fuckin garbage, and their bud at the dispensary must be garbage if this is the people that are growing it.
I hate weed snobs. My freakin gf's friends use her and shit, because she's the only 20yr old in the group mature enough to have her own place, and money. They just use her. A kid she never invites over because I showed her how all he does is come over, smoke $30-50 in weed, eat her food, then leave. Never offering to pay or buy anything. Well she was bored and had a few of her good friends over, then out of no where invites him. First thing he does? Cracks open the dub of blue haze I picked up for her rolls 2 rellos, and lights a bowl. Doesnt offer shit, then goes straight to the kitchen and eats. Then asks to see our plants. When he looks at em, "eh they're pretty shabby, I'd have done this this and this." "Bet you'll listen to me next time and grow them upside down, huh?"

-hold up, what? You couldn't afford shit, because when you're not paying your ex gf child support, you're not paying people for the shit you use, either. You don't have a leg to stand on to tell me shit. Your Gpa and gma paid for the early grows you had that I have no idea how succesfull they were. There's advice, then there's being pretentious.

This is the kind of guy who has no shit said this before. "Here, let me see that bud (smells it). Yeah, I'd say that's 35% sativa, and 65% indica."

Idk if this would bug anyone else, but I almost told him to get the fuck out of the house. Luckily it's her house, not mine, and I didn't wanna offend her. I don't understand these WA people. They use and never contribute to each other. Maybe that's the viscious cycle, they're all suckling off eacho other so 80% of the time it equals out. Except for when people who have their own like my gf, never get it in return, because she doesn't use people. I can't wait to take her back to the east coast, we may be abbrassive, arrogant, assholes( or so many a women who didn't turn me down described my friends and I who are all transplants from back east). But we always make sure shit gets settled out evenly.

Maybe I'm just meeting the shitty people of this state lol. God I needed to get that shit off my chest. Normally I'd tell him off like back home. But I don't wanna embarass her. Apparently telling people things to their face out here is a no-no. You have to do it behind their back to multiple people lol...

Jesus bro thats harsh, sorry you have had such a bad experience here in WA. I live in Seattle and its full of nice stoners, ya you will have the random gangbanger that walks up to you trying to sell you a 1.2gram sack for 20 bucks and promises you its "super stupid fire dank" but for the most part ppl are willing to share their weed and not ask for anything in return. Shit Hempfest last week the cops were walking around handing out free bags of chips to the stoners. I tell you what if you are ever in my neck of the woods PM me, me and my friends are just nerds that enjoy building cars, computers, and getting high with the homies. No ex gf's, no child supports, no elitist.


Well-Known Member
But if you meet with him in SEA, I would stay away from the trunk of his car.. never know what may be in there :D


Active Member
^hahahahaha I lul'd at that.

Trunk I'll hit you up for sure. I'm on a 4day weekend. Time to stock up on salmon lol


Active Member
I know I've dealt with it before. Last time I just sprayed PM wash, and kept runoff to a minimum, and only the lower buds were affected on a few plants. I need to do it again now.. The inline fan and little runoff made it pretty dry in there. That should be good this time too, right?..I'll use the PM wash I have just for shits and gigs, even though I heard it's rubbish.


Active Member
Anyone know where I could get a used hood at? I wanna get one of those 1000w xxxl hoods. If anyone has an old wide spread air cooled hood. Let me know. I'd like to buy.


Active Member
a month n no update...???
Well I trashed the atf. Leaving me only:
2 alien Og
1 whitw widow
1 blueberry kush or haze I cant remember. Ive been so fed up with em its not even funny.
Im currently in the field for training with my unit. Have been for weeks and will be for more. I had to fight an uphil battle with these things. Poedery mildew out the ass, which im getting my girl to spray neem, have a fan parallel to the plants to give it under circulation, and barely water, unless it's dry outside, if it's humid, they get a cup or 2 a day to hold them over till the real watering when it's dry. Battling phosphorus def too. Seems I've got it all under control. All while doing this abstractly over facebook. From my phone, trying to teach her how. But she's doing pretty good at it, I must say. Found out also when we had to go take care of that chicks dogs who gave me PM and all. The plants shr was fighting tooth and nail to keep...SHE WASNT EVEN GROWING! They were just sitting off to the side recieving ambient light from her clones. I was pissed as I've been in a long time when I found that out. Perfectly good plants gone to waste over nothing since she didnt even use em. I've started my 3rd batch. Which were the freebies. Only black domina didnt germ. About to through the auto somango and and auto amnesia in to finish around the same time as these plants ive started. Lots of fucked up stuff...really anooying. Still trying to figure out what the 2 plants are that are the sagarmatha reg special mix ( grrrrr).



Active Member
The vegging plants from left to right back to front, if I remember correctly
Sleestack / Sag Mix / chunky cheese / Chunky cheese / chunky cheese
Sleestack/ Sag Mix / chunky cheese / White widow X White widow

There's burns I know. I've let the coco dry out too much a few times, and when it dries concentrations rise. But they're fine. My girl is doing a good job on em.


Active Member
Update of my chunky cheeses. They're such a sweet fruity pungent smell. It's literally the best sent I've smelled on cannabis, period. I made a video, and will be doing videos. The video wont be nearly as terrible or not edited next time. I'll have it on the right camera angle the whole time, and will edit the useless stuff out of it. Oh well here's to first tries lol

Vid will be much better next time and I'll update full I dividual pics tomorrow.

