Talk To Frank... Legalization starts here...

TalkToFrank is the most widley used source of information and advice on drugs for young people in the UK. The problem is the information they provide for young people are all opinions (they use phrases like "It's widley believed" or "the government believe" or "This possible could cause" etc...) and they have admitted to me personally that they ARE opinions.

This needs to change and they will to have FACTS on drugs on there site with references to the evidence for these facts...

We need to maek sure that young people are taught the facts on cannabis ( and other drugs) so that they grow up knowing the truth. Whether you live in the UK or not, I hope you can take 20 seconds to join this facebook group and hopefully(although if not, please still like the page as it gets the numbers up) help in the future when we send an army of emails to the Home office And/or Talktofrank.

I am only concentrating on cannabis at the moment, however if a change can be made to the cannabis section on their site then the other drugs (even hard,dangerous drugs) can be reviewed on the site and it can be ALL facts.

I was told on the phone by "frank" to get evidence of 100/200 people that agree with me that facts need to be on the site and not opinions... I think they do not understand that cannabis activists are passionate about this and the internet is VERY powerful.
