taco leaves?

theres a few leaves on my plant with this taco-like appearance, i trimmed this one off cuz it was blocking the light of a good bud and its small anyway. What causes this symptom? I was feeding it 15/30/15 for a while but stopped when it started to burn a few leaves, since then have been only feeding plain water, but still i find a few taco-leaves.
also, the larger fan leaves are kinda droopy and have alot of purple on them, but theyve been this way for at least a week or so and it hasn't really gotten worse.

heres the whole plant a couple weeks ago,
Those things look great to me man, I wouldnt be worried about a few weird leaves. But dont take its nutes away unless your growing in a soil that has enough to sustain it, looks like you're flowering? When I flower I use a 12-55-6 in a somewhat diluted form and if you are flowering you should expect some foliar abnormalities when you switch the fertilizer.
it mostly looks great from the top,. the bottom of the plant has more weird leaves and some of the fan leaves yellowed and got really bad so i trimmed off. i'll try to get a pic of the bottom half in a bit, i wish i had a camera,. a shitty cell phone doesnt take very detailed pics. i did mix the nutes half strength, im gonna start feeding again next watering
the leaves that are droopy aren't dark green at all, theyre mostly lighter-medium green with alot of purple, and are only droopy, not really curling or anythin