T5 Light. Distance for longer internodal growth


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone using t5 for veg trying to get longer internodal growth right now i guess light is no less then 7 in away for plant nodal growth are very close together cant really take cutting. I have tried move light like 3 feet away and didnt really change noting.
4x4 text with 2 4ft 4 blub t5
any suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you have a pure indica plant. My Blue OG was like that but it did stretch a month later.


Active Member
I find that moving the light further away wiil let most strains stretch a bit. But i also find that i get very tight nodal spacing with the t5's.


Well-Known Member
I find that moving the light further away wiil let most strains stretch a bit. But i also find that i get very tight nodal spacing with the t5's.
My thought exactly but these plants don't seem like they want to stretch at all. I have to t5 18 in away now and going to leave it there just topped one plant will see how it reacts.


Well-Known Member
How many plants? How old are plants? Might kill one light. Need more info.
Plants are about a month and a half old, about 5 plants in 20 liter airpots/ 7gal and cloner in tent.
I think one bad thing is I don't have a fan in the tent. That could be the problem. I have a 8" fan pretty much making a negative pressure but maybe I should get a fan. But I just don't think a fan can influence that much.

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
I think once you get a bigger root ball you will see more stretch. I would just use one light and keep them about a foot away for now. If you want a cut off them just cut bottom branches off. You will do it anyway.