Systemic poison that works for every mite or bug I've ever encountered


Active Member
There is an Organophosphate Insecticide available commercially called Monitor 4. In western canada if affectionately goes by the name Stink Bomb at the grow stores and they ususally keep it behind the counter. It smells like nothing you can imagine and will make you gag.

The plus side is it is systemic which means you can add it to your water and it will soak up through the root and through the entire plant and make the entire plant toxic for about two weeks so it is especially effective for killing mites as when the eggs hatch the new mites bit the plant and die and don't reproduce so it stops the cycle. I've used it with 100% success for thrips, fungus gnats, spider mites and aphids.

Organophosphates are inert to the plant and won't cause leaf burn or leave residues like most of the sprays. It breaks down and clears the plant in four weeks so don't use withing a month of harvest.

The down side. It's incredibly toxic and systemic which means it can get in your system through skin contact so you need to wear nitrile rubber gloves when using and don't spill it on yourself and remember that anything it touches should be treated as toxic. This includes resevoirs, dirt, run-off etc.


Active Member
Actually my suggestion is a lot like hooking up a 1000W ballast. It works great but it can kill you so be careful and understand the risk.....

..... but thanks for trolling.

If people want to try an organophosphate but looking for something a little safer I'd recommend Vapona NoPest Strips. Might sound hokey but they release an organophosphate vapour that I have found excellent for prevention. Not recomended for environments that are going to be occupied for more than 4 hours at a time and not to be used in the last two weeks of flower. Just put them in a zip loc and save em for your next crop.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Actually my suggestion is a lot like hooking up a 1000W ballast. It works great but it can kill you so be careful and understand the risk.....

..... but thanks for trolling.
Hahahaha - having a rough day at work and that made me crack up. Thanks Dunit +rep for making me smile!


Well-Known Member
personally SPINOSAD is my weapon of choice and its organic and will not harm you if you happen to come into contact with it.

it too can be added to your water/res or sprayed onto plants.

those strips you mentioned sound alot like the hot shots which again are part of my arsenal. i have however heard of some hot shots resistant mites around cali if i remember reading correctly so these could be a good alternative .



haha I had a ballest once 1000W HPS i bought used and one day I touched one of the bolts through the side and it lit my ass up like a christmas tree!!!!!!!!!!