Synthetic Cannabinoids and MDMA?


Active Member
Inspired by the ROOOOLLLIIINNNG thread...

Has anyone tried dosing MDMA and a synthetic cannabinoid such as jwh 18?

I haven't tried jwh orally, but my guess is that the jwh would kick in as you start to roll, and would not last as long as the molly.

And what about adding 2cb to the mix? :shock::shock:


Active Member
I did a quick search last night, but I couldnt find anyone who took both orally at the same time. I was only able to find someone who smoked some jwh during his or her roll.

I'm sure nothing bad will happen, but I'm wondering if it will be a waste of time or not. I'll probably just have to experiment myself!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want to try and dose oral jwh on mdma. It takes a long time to kick in so people take more than needed thinking it isn't working. Then you get an uncomfortable intense high that lasts many hours vs smoking too much and having the uncomfortable high only last about an hour. If you know how to dose it properly then try it, I just wouldn't start doing it mixed with MDMA.
If you are talking about MDMA + 2C-B its a nice combination and done alot. It's really good to take when the MDMA buzz is almost finished as the MDMA gently transforms into a 2C-B trip. I don't have any experience with any of the synthetic cannabinoids though so I can't comment on how that will effect it.


Active Member
ya ur best bet is to smoke REAL REAL REAL SMALL amounts of jwh at a time that way to dont smoke too much and tweak out while ur hearts already pumpin... JWH is sick but if u smoke to much it will raise ur heartrate... that + MDMA may be bad.... so just start off smokin small amounts deff dont take orally


Active Member
I have been eyeballing out the doses of jwh that i smoke. I will surely have a scale when the time comes to mess with oral dosage.

Last night, I was feeling ballsy, and tried a nice big lump of various jwhs mixed with bud. I was expecting to freak out, but it didn't happen. I was just insanely high for a few hours. I feel like it will go good with rolling. I guess well see!!!


Active Member
why is everyone against taking jwh orally? Is it because it is easier to od on?

The way i see it, this is active without doing anything to it, so why not take advantage of it?


Well-Known Member
Have you smoked too much at one time to see how horribly intense it can get? I could not imagine how uncomfortable it would be for hours like that, feeling like you are going to die... Active at such a low dose and takes hours to peak, so naturally very easy to over do it especially being under the influence of MDMA and not knowing what to expect.


Active Member
Let me clarify.. I would be finding a proper dose of jwh, and pre measuring it to take with mdma. Assuming i don't take too much of either, why would this be bad?


Active Member
I'll do some experimenting once i get a scale. I'll post results with different dosages.


Well-Known Member
JWH raises my heart rate at even normal smoked doses... I'd take what MyPalace said and just avoid it. If you got herb I'd assume that would work just as well, JWH is to much of an un-researched chemical family to be mixing with an already slightly neurotoxic chemical in my opinion (but I'd wait for Shepj's or Crypt's for a final answer). I've tried JWH-018 orally by just eating the powder and got little to no effects compared to smoking. Even when doubling and sometimes tripling the amount (I eye balled the dosing so I can't be sure, but it was definitely at least double) I would normally smoke I would only feel a spacey sort of burnt out head space feeling (like when you've smoked to much pot in a day and you no longer get "higher" just a minor increase in body stoning and a little more relaxed). 2c-b doesn't sound bad but mixing at the same time as the MDMA would also increase neurotoxicity if I'm not mistaken so dosing at the tail end of the roll like Tommy said would probably be best.


Active Member
Hmmm some things to consider in here.... The thought process behind this was the following " I like rolling, but i love rolling and smoking. But what happens if i can't smoke while rolling?" and that's when i thought of mixing the two.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I've done it. :D The body high is ridiculous. :D Most JWH are full agonists while THC is a partial agonist which make them compared to THC way more powerful. If your interested in why JWH-018 is toxic you should look up Naphthalene. :) The main ingredient in moth balls. :)


Active Member
JWH raises my heart rate at even normal smoked doses... I'd take what MyPalace said and just avoid it. If you got herb I'd assume that would work just as well, JWH is to much of an un-researched chemical family to be mixing with an already slightly neurotoxic chemical in my opinion (but I'd wait for Shepj's or Crypt's for a final answer). I've tried JWH-018 orally by just eating the powder and got little to no effects compared to smoking. Even when doubling and sometimes tripling the amount (I eye balled the dosing so I can't be sure, but it was definitely at least double) I would normally smoke I would only feel a spacey sort of burnt out head space feeling (like when you've smoked to much pot in a day and you no longer get "higher" just a minor increase in body stoning and a little more relaxed). 2c-b doesn't sound bad but mixing at the same time as the MDMA would also increase neurotoxicity if I'm not mistaken so dosing at the tail end of the roll like Tommy said would probably be best.
It seems like NP is going to do it regardless of what we say... I was merely trying to help make a safe choice while doing it.