Sympathy For The Devil


Active Member
I wrote this about a year ago while I was really baked and thinking about things. Thought I might share it with you guys.

It's kind of mushy, but it gets a good point across I think.

[Also, it has nothing to do with religion, I just thought "Sympathy for the Devil" would be a good title.]

If understanding the point of why we are here is our ultimate goal, how can we possibly hope to understand this horrible, wonderful, painful, loving, incomprehensible life of ours if we've only sought out to acknowledge the higher path of it? How can we hope to understand something that we consciously refuse to look at in it's entirety?

How can we judge what we've never been?

How can we assume, when we don't even have a clue?

How can we say we're alive, if we refuse life in its entirety?

I believe that if we as human beings had no concept of evil, and knew only good throughout our entire lives, that good would lose its purpose to us. The things that are good are sought after because of our acknowledgment of the opposite end of the spectrum as being bad. Without the dark, there would be no catalyst for the light.

If there was no wrong, the things that are right would no longer have meaning to us.

If there was no hate, we could not comprehend the feeling of love.

If there was no pain, joy would not exist in our consciousness.

These things we have perceived as evil for so long aren't really evil, they're a necessary part of living. Because without them, we couldn't comprehend what was good. We would be leading an existence of no meaning, no value. The ups couldn't exist without the downs, and without either we're left with the latter.

An existence where nobody sees failure, but nobody attempts greatness.

An existence free of the blind rage of hatred, but where nobody could understand the purity of love.

An existence where nobody would die, but nobody would truly be alive.

I guess all I'm trying to say is, I think we need to attempt not to look at life like a staircase. With a top and a bottom, where only those who constantly strive to walk upward toward the good succeed, and those below them are failures in comparison.

I think we need to try and look at it more like a trampoline, where we have to sink down in order to jump back up, where mistakes are an essential part of living. And I look forward to when we can all grab the arms of those around us who have sunk down the farthest, whether we know them or not, and help them to stay upright. Because we're all on this damn trampoline together. And sometimes we all sink a little further down than usual, but if we manage to keep our balance, we'll jump back up higher than ever.


Well-Known Member
The wise men understood that this natural world is only an image and a copy of paradise. The existence of this world is simply a guarantee that there exists a world that is perfect. God created the world so that, through its visible objects, men could understand his spiritual teachings and the marvels of this wisdom. That's what I mean by action.

And if it has all been written by the same hand, we are all one. We are all god and we are all nothing because we came from same source, just as the potter become the pot. And in the perfect world were loss = gain, love = hate, etc. we will be welcomed back into the great white light from which we all came.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be objective just for the sake of it, I have no personal issues with anything you said. Being objective I find is often the best way to discover if what is thought to be true is just that, or a possibility of that.

You talk about good and evil but does everything fall into those two catergories?

Surely the person doing the rape, murder, molesting, or watever else would be classified as evil, would not think they are doing bad. Hitler being a prime example.

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter comes to mind.

The war in Iraq also pops up. Im sure the citizens there dont particularly like us for bombing the shit out of them and killing their familys. They probably wont ever understand why it was thought to be neccesary at the time.

'There is no black and white only shades of grey' also seems to be quite appropriate.

On a personal note....

I have heard the argument that without pain/hate/evil (evil being a perspective in this case) there would be no joy/love/good. But something about it just doesnt feel right to me.

I know the above isnt worth shit to say. But I hope im not the only person who thinks this.

To justify bad things happening with good being the outcome just doesnt seem right.