Switching to 12/12

Is it true that you should have a long dark period of anywhere from 24 to 36 hours before turning on the light to 12/12? Heard its starts the flowering process quicker .


Well-Known Member
i usually dont cause perpetual grows you cant I have before and its not a huge difference at all


Well-Known Member
That's an old wives' tale, I believe. You are trying to tell the plant that days are getting shortewr and it is time to flower.
Short days = time to flower. So avoid stretches of dark longer than your present veg dark period. No sense in confusing the plant.
If your veg cycle is 18/6 with the lights coming on at 6 AM, all you have to do is go in any time during the day and switch the timer to go off at 6 PM.
Piece of cake.

If you are using liquid nutes in your water it is a good idea to flush her right at the light switch. Especially if you plan on using liquid flower nutes.
Out with the old, in with the new, eh?

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
I started from 12/12.
Let em start flowering when they're ready, also I believe it keeps em shorter for my height restrictions.