switching back and forth from t5 HO to halide....

So I have kinda of a staggered growing setup. I t5 HO until they are about 16" and then put them into flower in a tent with a halide for a month or so then I flower. Occassionally, the schedule is such where I have nothing goin on in the tent. Is it damaging or stressful to plants to say, put have them under a t5 for a month...maybe then put it under the halide for a couple weeks...then maybe back under the t5 while I flower other plants? Thx in advance.


Well-Known Member
im confused to what you are sayin but if i was you ihd just start them under the t5s for around two weeks then throw them under the metal halide to finish them up


Well-Known Member
They will live for sure. Will they be getting max light penetration? Probably not, especially if you have a bunch of them shoved in there.


Well-Known Member
I switch back from different lights - I advise against it. Looks like the plant gets confused and goes in/out of flowing. At least it seems this way by the mutated leaves. I was going from HPS to fluorescent lighting.

Also, in previous grows, I tried as well and plants went hermie. Cant say it from lighting but maybe :/