switched from 1000watt MH to 1000watt HPS - day4: crazy results


Well-Known Member
i just bought a brand new 1000watt HPS and gave my buddy back his 1000watt MH. however, i made the mistake of overvegging, now im worried whether or not these plants will reach the light within the next week. its been 4 days since the switch and the growth rate is frightening - the strain is pure powerplant, so naturally its sativa properties will stretch like crazy. theyre almost 5 feet tall and about 2 feet away from the light, i know it was dumb to let them get this big but ive topped them a ridiculous amount of times. theyre being fed pure blend pro and liquid karma, but take a look at the attached pictures and tell me if i can get away with tying them down with string. i took over 50 clones 2 weeks prior to flowering, but the HPS is making them grow so rapidly that im worried the light wont hit the other parts of the plant. hopefully tying down will work, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
its called lollipopping...since you have not yet reached the flowering stage you sould take EVERY...yes EVERY LIMB that is below the 50% mark down off of the plant. this will do 2 things, stunt uppr growth as well as alloe air flow through the bottom branches...okay i guess 3 things. it will also allow your plant to maximize its enery. this will remove the branches and leaves that are getting little to no light and push the energy upwards toward the light anf eventually produse nid BIG budz. late


Well-Known Member
Hold up. I know your bathtub is so you get your drainage, but in my opinion, those plants are already too close to that light, notice that the leaves are cupping upward and the leaf serations are getting shark finned? You need to hang that light from a ceiling somewhere in your place, is that possible?


New Member
I agree with all of what these other members are saying. Some people are really weary about cutting parts of their plants, not realizing that they will benefit in the long run.

If you don't want to cut the bottom branches you can tie down the big lower fan leaves (loosely with string or tie wraps) and manipulate some of the branches so that your plants receive more light.

Its not that your sativa plants are growing too tall, its that you have too many growing suucessfully in too small an area.

If you raise your light some cut the lower branches or do the above, you will get major improvements.

It looks great otherwise. Good job.


Well-Known Member
its called lollipopping...since you have not yet reached the flowering stage you sould take EVERY...yes EVERY LIMB that is below the 50% mark down off of the plant. this will do 2 things, stunt uppr growth as well as alloe air flow through the bottom branches...okay i guess 3 things. it will also allow your plant to maximize its enery. this will remove the branches and leaves that are getting little to no light and push the energy upwards toward the light anf eventually produse nid BIG budz. late
my friend calls it 'powercropping', but he usually only takes the bottom 20% or so off. theyve been flowering for 4 days though, so i didnt want to take anymore off. i didnt mind taking an entire foot or so off the canopy, but since its flowering i dont think its such a good idea. i dunno what taking everything below 50% would do to my yield, believe me ive already cut off tons before flowering. ill tie down certain branches from now on, i just hope the tops dont stretch anymore than a foot or so.

i just looked at them, i might be able to cut off alot of the lower branches as prescribed - after i take off a bunch more lower branches, i can tie down some of the above ones to make space for the light to hit other parts. thanks for all the replies! my issue now is whether or not day 4 of flowering will be a factor in trimming with any resulting losses. if im going to do it, i should probably do it now while its still early on.


Well-Known Member
I do not have the experience to add to this discussion...seems like you are already getting lots....I jjust had to laugh with the plants in the bathtub thing.....thats so cool.....more DIY on RIU...I love it! walk on....looking awesome!


New Member
That is why I mentioned gently tying back the fan leaves and moving and bending some of those branches to get some more light in there.
You don't bend them all at once but do it gradually over time. You'd be amazed at the results. If you have healthy plants growing, you can do a lot of things to increase the amount of light you get in between those branches without having to cut 50% off.
I'm not going against what any of you others are saying, i just know when I first started growing if someone even suggested i cut off 50% of my plants growth I would have freaked. :shock::o Ok maybe not freaked but:-|still.

my friend calls it 'powercropping', but he usually only takes the bottom 20% or so off. theyve been flowering for 4 days though, so i didnt want to take anymore off. i didnt mind taking an entire foot or so off the canopy, but since its flowering i dont think its such a good idea. i dunno what taking everything below 50% would do to my yield, believe me ive already cut off tons before flowering. ill tie down certain branches from now on, i just hope the tops dont stretch anymore than a foot or so.

i just looked at them, i might be able to cut off alot of the lower branches as prescribed - after i take off a bunch more lower branches, i can tie down some of the above ones to make space for the light to hit other parts. thanks for all the replies! my issue now is whether or not day 4 of flowering will be a factor in trimming with any resulting losses. if im going to do it, i should probably do it now while its still early on.


Well-Known Member
you need more headroom they are too close already,you have had such a healthy veg you would hate to waste it.


Well-Known Member
you need more headroom they are too close already,you have had such a healthy veg you would hate to waste it.

i know :cry: i might have to raise my shower curtain, but that would take light away from other parts. ill see how far i can go with tying them down, someone posted something about turning the pot 45 degrees - i might have to try that hahah


Well-Known Member
Or put the light on the rail and you will get much better coverage. If you add bushmaster right now they will not grow another inch. well maybe an inch or 2


Well-Known Member
Or put the light on the rail and you will get much better coverage. If you add bushmaster right now they will not grow another inch. well maybe an inch or 2
i dont quite understand what you mean by putting the light on the rail, could you clarify? the light is attached to the rail via chains, but i dunno how to get it any closer to it. do you mean i should buy two bigger S hooks to directly hang it? cus that would only give me a couple more inches. as for bushmaster, ill do some research on it, if the plants become uncontrollable then i might just get some - my only concern is if it affects the net yield.


Well-Known Member
Bushmaster will affect the yield. In a positive way. A light rail on a motor that moves across the ceiling. Costs about 200. It will more than pay for itself for what you got going.


Well-Known Member
i think you vegged too much, id chop em down a bit, didnt you know that the plants mite double in size once you switched to 12/12?. chop or tie.


Active Member
umm move ur light and y wait so long u could of started to flower with the hps not a huge diff especially for a small peiriod no diff prob


Well-Known Member
Hold up. I know your bathtub is so you get your drainage, but in my opinion, those plants are already too close to that light, notice that the leaves are cupping upward and the leaf serations are getting shark finned? You need to hang that light from a ceiling somewhere in your place, is that possible?
What's the bathtub setup? I thought about using my tub for a reservoir-a sort of bathtub deep water culture (bubblebath? lol) :joint: