Survey For A Research Paper


Well-Known Member
Before I will even consider participating in it, spellcheck it. This is college, after all (not collage). ;)


Active Member

I seem to be making that mistake all over the place lately.

It is, however, fixed on the survey but I am not able to fix the mistake in my original post.


Well-Known Member
Alright. :D One more question, how important is getting our zip code to you? There's an asterisk by that and the age query, and while I'm willing to give up my age, I am not willing to give up my zip code.

Actually, another question; why are the medical questions limited?


Active Member
My professor said that a zip code was required for it to be considered a viable survey but if you are uncomfortable with a zip code a 00000 for out of the country, would do.

As for the limitedness of the medical question, my paper is focusing on the conditions specified. I have however gotten responses in the other box on question ten about other issues that I was unaware that marijuana helped. If that is your case please feel free to do so. I do plan on mentioning those who specify other conditions in my paper.