Surprise ..Surprise - NEW GOP "FRONT RUNNER" DOA


New Member
"Front Runner" Michelle Bachman.................DOA
"Front Runner" Rick Perry .................DOA
"Front Runner" Herman Cain .................Down
"Front Runner" Newt Gingrich.................DOA
"Front Runner" Mitt romney .................DOA

One man with significant support stands...Ron Paul



New Member
All its going to take is for mitt romney to throw another hissey fit and Ron Paul has won this thing.....yes..deny it all you want but I am already declaring if social conservatives who accounted for 33% of the republican vote in the last election will vote for a mormon..he wasn't even invited to their debates which Ron Paul won overwhelmingly...Hissey Fit or not HIS scandals will be exposed as well....Ron Paul your next republican nominee ladies and gentlemen...

proceed to nay say all you want but this one is in the bag...


New Member
I jus calls em like I sees em



New Member
New Ron Paul ad showing on sports networks:


Badass! :)


King Tut
All its going to take is for mitt romney to throw another hissey fit and Ron Paul has won this thing.....yes..deny it all you want but I am already declaring if social conservatives who accounted for 33% of the republican vote in the last election will vote for a mormon..he wasn't even invited to their debates which Ron Paul won overwhelmingly...Hissey Fit or not HIS scandals will be exposed as well....Ron Paul your next republican nominee ladies and gentlemen...

proceed to nay say all you want but this one is in the bag...
i disagree. i think Newt has a shot if the media doesn't call him out. BIG time call him out. And IF he gets elected Pres, imo, he will be Hitler v2.0.


Well-Known Member
Ignoring the record stuck on repeat above.....

He and his campaign have been taking a much more aggressive approach as of late and I think it is really starting to pay off.

He hates Paul so much because he knows that if Ron Paul gets nominated he will get all the votes from the democrates displeased with Obama


New Member
The Story of Newt Leaving his dieing wife in the hospital

According to L.H. Carter, his campaign treasurer, Gingrich said of his X Wife Battley:

"She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer."
As a man I find this disgusting, I can't imagine how a woman would feel about this.
This shows his true character, talking about his first wife.

Six months after the divorce from Battley was final while she was still in in the hospital dieing, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affairs.

Hypocrisy at it's worst

his wife did tell the congregation of her Baptist church: "The devil has taken his heart." Maybe she was referring to his being so miserly in the matter of child support and alimony, but as Newt points out, we do have a safety net of private charity, and the congregants chipped in to help pay the utility bills.
All women need to know this, they would never vote for him once informed how he treats them, and some men with empathy and understanding of human character might be turned off too.

Then he ripped her off too.

The news that Newt Gingrich will receive $4 million from Rupert Murdoch's publishing house must have been greeted with dismay by his former wife, Jacqueline, down in Carroll County, Ga. Newt had pulled a fast one. It was only nine months ago that she consented to the congressman's request for an amendment to their divorce decree that bars her from claiming additional funds due to an increase in his earnings.
Not to be too harsh on Newt, it must be terribly difficult balancing pro-family values with a commitment to a Darwinian survival of the fittest in the marketplace.
Ok the guy is friends with Rupert Murdoch and Goldman Sachs - Stick a fork in him - he is done - he completely bombed the Glenn Beck Interview today talking about smug authoritarianism and green conservation.

Newt Gingrich DOA!

Quotes from L.A times:

Gingrich Puts a Price on His Family Values : He sheltered his $4-million book bonanza from his struggling, non-trophy ex-wife.
