Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E


Well-Known Member
What do you mean you're having a hard time?

You prefer that then going to your local western union/money gram store?

and why methylone... I wouldn't invest too much on that... too similar to illegal drugs you can find easily on the streets!

This means you already submitted your order? Please inform of the results ;)
i live in the country, WU is 20 minutes away. something with my bank declining which is fucked up because i have another window open with my balance right in front of me as well. ill get it figured out.

methylone for a couple reasons, mostly because im tight on money this week and the 2c's im interested in are out of my budget this week(i know, sad) and i wanted to get an order off while they were open.

not much to talk about. got my confirm email almost immediatly. it wont ship until they recieve payment confirmation.


Well-Known Member
You can order anytime Slikwill after you become a customer... you don't have to order immediately when their open for new customers. You have the sole priviledge of ordering at any time of day at your own free will ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah? i figured you had to place an order right away. oh well, its $30 to find out how thier shipping is...
I at first assumed that too... but I emailed the vendor and he related to me that once your a customer you can order any time. The restriction only applies to non-customers. I am very interested to see your results ;)


Well-Known Member
as am i, as am i.

today sucks...i am horribly sick. i just woke up from an unintentional nap with my daughter on the couch and dont feel any better. where does all this snot come from? sorry, venting a bit.

end transmission.


Could someone message me with this website? Been trying to track down some 2c-i for a while with absolutely no luck and dont have faith in anything ive found so far.


Well-Known Member
Could someone message me with this website? Been trying to track down some 2c-i for a while with absolutely no luck and dont have faith in anything ive found so far.
Please stick around and do some extra digging on google... you'll soon find something... its just going to take time and patience of course. I suggest you read up vigorously on erowid and other parent websites

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I got to post in here because I've been lurking far too long and its making me feel like a stalker. Between this, the other RC threads, and other research, I think I just may figure this RC thing out one of these days.

I feel better now because you guys know I'm watching you.....:fire::eyesmoke:

Back to google.


Well-Known Member
Could someone message me with this website? Been trying to track down some 2c-i for a while with absolutely no luck and dont have faith in anything ive found so far.
Hahaha. No! Why do people ask shit like this on their first post? Just look on google. When/if you find a site, look it up again on google with the word scam after it. If its real, no scams will come up.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Hahaha. No! Why do people ask shit like this on their first post? Just look on google. When/if you find a site, look it up again on google with the word scam after it. If its real, no scams will come up.
lol we have a winner!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Yeah possibly.. there are like some "open door" rc's if you will, not as in the use of one leads to the use of another, more so, the finding of a good source teaches you how to find another legit one.


Well-Known Member
Enough said with the JWH-018.... I think all of us know where your going with this!

Remember, as said SHEPJ implied to me their is a hierchary of RC's... certain ones are more popularized due to certain reasons and others are less known... this very much well involves the role of jwh-018 as a search tool!


Well-Known Member
Remember this thread is being watched by some 22,000 folks... I think we have all the RIU members sucking on these panel thread... or we have a forestry of feds up are ass! Be careful, dont let words penalize your moves!