Supporting Buds


Well-Known Member
Hey you monster growers, I want to know if you support your buds and what do you use and whether you think it is necessary.

I'm in the midwest and I have two 7 ft. bagseed sativas. Last time I grew I didn't need to support the buds but these plants are much bigger this time.
I'm thinking that it won't matter as long as they don't break the branches. I'm also thinking if they drooped and leaned against each other it might promote mold or more bugs.

I think I may get a net and use that, I've seen pics of people using nets and it looks like it works.
What kind of net are those and where do you buy them?
Anyone have better methods?
I have some a 7 footer thats in preflowering stage and i just tied up the bomb of the branches with this green tie(any string will work and wont damage the plant) to give it extra support cause these buds are going to be thick and heavy
Good luck.


Active Member
If they're outside being moved by the wind,They'll grow the support you need.Of course a major storm might blow it down...but I think it's unlikely. I've grown several large(7 ft. plus) plants and never had a problem. I have two now that are close to 8 ft. gl to you my fellow farmer.