Super Tuesday


Well-Known Member
well, tomorrows the day, were going to seal up the closet and start flowering! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

im sooooo excited i could just about puke lol

heres some pics, theyre just shy of a month old...i got nute happy and burned them a bit, but they seem to have forgiven me...

i think i did ok on the lst, but i guess yall will be the judge of that, i also topped them, the bushiest one i fimmed, i just cant seem to keep my hands off them :roll::roll::roll:

ive only used 2 does of flora grow + flora micro, first at 1/4 strength then 1/2 strength, alternate waterings, should i flush and wait a few days to switch to 12/12? i really, really, really want to do it tomorrow but if flushing would be better i guess i could hold off...:evil:

well, thats it, i just couldnt resist showing them off even though the fiance is sketchy about me posting pics, hopefully the 5.0 is off catching criminals :twisted:



Well-Known Member
i love it when people enjoy their grows! :D
I think this plant will turn out real nice!
It's small and very busy.
Whatever your doing,keep at it.
Oh,and keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the encouragement! im pretty proud of them, hope everything continues to go well...

ill post some pics when were done with the closet =D


Well-Known Member
anyone have advice on whether to flush before 12/12 or not? only 2 doses of nutes so far, 1/4 strength and 1/2 strength, with regular water in between...oh and super thrive in every watering...


Well-Known Member
well, had to stop for the night :? got a late start but still got a lot done :mrgreen:

this is the front the sliding closet doors will fit in the track in front of these doors, have to install the intake/exhaust tomorrow. got 4 computer fans, 220 cfm (2) and 200 cfm (2) intake below left hand door, exhaust above right hand door...

had the greenery in the cfl box with the little ones all day, not sure if they liked it after being on 400w for so long

they do seem happy to be home though :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

im pretty impressed with the fiances ingenuity :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

will update when we get it all together, no super tuesday, but im very happy with the results so far..can probably start 12/12 thursday at the latest...


Well-Known Member
I THINK you only flush 2 weeks before harvest so your smoke doesnt taste like fertilizer.
Anyway,teamed grows are allot of fun aren't they?


Well-Known Member
well, greens back in the box with the little ones after a nice bath, decided to flush just to stay ahead of any salt buildup in the soil, and they seem perky and happy after...transplanted the three biggest little ones to their own pots, small ones, but when i move the bigger ones to their final pots, ill switch the little ones to those pots...

fiance is freaking out because the closet isnt done yet, ran into a few problems, of course, so now im shooting for the beggining of next week for flowering, he seems more upset about it than i am, but thats how he does :mrgreen:

i tried to tell him another week in veg will only result in more herb at the end of the road but he hates not being on schedule...

got the exhaust holes drilled and one fan mounted, also put latches on the right hand door because its not seating flush as it should...

so 2 intake holes to drill, 3 fans to mount, ducting to run, got to find those carbon filters i made, where the fuck are they?:confused: and....thats all i can think of right now, but id say another 3 or 4 days and itll be done!

stay tuned loyal viewers (if any are out there :-|)...



Well-Known Member
i must say im a little disappointed in the lack of responses :confused::confused::confused: yea im whiney :twisted:

cant do much tonight, just checked on them and a tiny bit of one top leaf got singed by the cfls in the box:cry: rearranged them so hopefully it wont happen again...

maybe ill just veg them till the little ones get a bit bigger and just flower them all...not too worried about yeild as its my first time, really just trying to have them survive :mrgreen: the lemon kush i had to grind was absolutely male and im worried it happened because i stressed them too much early in their life with insuffecient light, and that horrible episode with the perfect ph shit :cry:

hope the others pull through it, but the loss sucks, that was some fine herb...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wow thats really good. i didnt expect u to have a massive grow 'room' though lol.

what strain are those?

no advice here coz im a nub. but lots of encouragement. pm me when u harvest, id love to see how they turn out.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey Jaid, looks like the grow is going really well and your plants have decided all is forgiven regarding the early nute burn and are growing their asses off for you. You sound heaps like me - first time grower, casualties along the way, early nute burn, slightly disapproving non-smoking partner and most of all the excitement of flowering for the first time. I am about 2 weeks ahead of you and even though my first plant to show itself presented me with a big cluster of balls, I was still thrilled to bits. I'm definitely subscribed, so you now have at least one loyal viewer. You grow girl, and keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jaid, looks like the grow is going really well and your plants have decided all is forgiven regarding the early nute burn and are growing their asses off for you. You sound heaps like me - first time grower, casualties along the way, early nute burn, slightly disapproving non-smoking partner and most of all the excitement of flowering for the first time. I am about 2 weeks ahead of you and even though my first plant to show itself presented me with a big cluster of balls, I was still thrilled to bits. I'm definitely subscribed, so you now have at least one loyal viewer. You grow girl, and keep up the good work.
thanks! ill have a full update tomorrow, got the day off and going to put the finishing touches on everything....


Well-Known Member
I love how you've tagged your post with 'yay' too. Hope you get to keep saying that from now until harvest.


Well-Known Member
well, much longer than i thought it would take, but as soon as the fiance gets home were going to run the last of the ducting, climb inside and caulk up any leaks, and then it will be flower time! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

the bushiest one has just started showing something that will probably turn into preflowers, but as yet they just look like tiny green specks...

the babies are looking good in their cfl box, im thinking of flowering them with the big ones, just topped them all day before yesterday...

gave them all a dose of flora micro + flora grow, only one tsp as i dont want to burn them again, the bottle says 3 tsp per gallon for veg but im taking it slow from here on out...

the door photo is a pic of the exhaust and intake, exhaust top, intake bottom, were going to run a duct from the ac to one of the intakes since the temp is still stitting at about 83f...

thats all i can think of right now, still super excited :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
First day of flowering completed! :blsmoke:

Had some deficiency issues from weak fertilizer ( yea first too much then too little jesus they are finicky lol) so I dosed them up good with 3 tsp Flora Grow + Micro, some epsom salts, and super thrive, they have perked right up and seem a bit bushier already, but i could be imagining it.

I have a question about the flowering nutes though, since I just fertilized them yesterday, the next water im going to use plain water, but after that, should i start the flora bloom? or should i wait till they actually start budding for that and continue to use the flora grow?

thanks for any advice yall, ill get new pics up on sunday i reckon...


Active Member
well, i am definently new to growing but from the posts and threads i've read it seems like your doing a fantastic job, and although alot of people of here stress the importance of nutes and pH and all the jazz (which is important) i still think that no matter what, if you love your plant and enjoy growing and give it those good vibes and just care for it, things will bloom beautifully. best of luck to you and i am definently gonna keep checking up on how things are going, i might not be much help but i can be here for moral support haha.
keep spreading the green

*one love*


Well-Known Member
so, three days into flowering and all is well...

i repotted after i snapped these pics, retied some of the branches that were getting away from me...

I made the carbon filters according to the instructions on a thread in DIY with the disposable washcloths and activated carbon for fish tanks, stuck one in each exhaust duct, im still getting that green plant smell though, not skunk yet but im a little worried...

not too much else to report, trying to just go with the flow, if anyone has any advice id appreciate it! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member

i have a fucking complex now, i know i cant be doing well enough that NO ONE has any advice to give, so the only other option is that youre all out to get me and have come up with this 'lets ignore jaid first grow' plan to drive me insane....

well you have succeeded, i will be arriving at all of your respective houses to steal all your remote controls and toilet paper, remember you have forced me to this!

so can any one tell me whether to start the bloom nutes now? its been 5 days of 12/12....


Well-Known Member
would whoever can delete this thread please? not going to put the effort into keeping it up just for me to look at