SUPER STEALTH!!/1.5 GROW/ocean foxfarm/CFL 32,250lumens 477watts


Active Member
okay its my 2nd 1st cus i kinda started a first grow then held a freind responsible for keeping them alive during a apartment raid!! and they died it got up to 113 degrees:fire:!! =(

well this is my set up this part is the beginning btw just some setup shit that im putting down so i can just start with pics once im ready to grow but giving you specs as to whats going to be used.!! enjoy! =)
· Im using ocean mix foxfarm soil 75%/25% perlite mix
· a total of 32250lumens and 477lumens mixed spectrum
· 6 bulbs are 6500k and the other 9 are mix of lighter spectrums
· im in a 4ft long 2ft deep under storage fish tank space with
· two small fans in and box fan blowing out
here below are some specs as to the lighting part of it
:idea:6x150w, 42 actual watts, 2700lumens ea
3x150w, 29 actual watts, 2150lumens ea
6x100w, 23 actual watts, 1600lumens ea
actual watts = 477watts
lumen count = 32,250:idea:

Im going to be putting some panda film up instead of what im using cus i think the reflectix shown below was putting strange colors on past grow that were close to doors.:wall:

keep in mind im not exactly sure as to when im ready to germ my mouwie seeds my buddy gave me, but it will be soon im just experimenting on the beginning lives of some bagseed but will post elsewhere for the bagseed small guys but once im done messing around with stuff and get a a/c unit ima throw my mouwie seeds in the mix!! =) :-P

well there is a few pics here of just my setup maybe a few of what im using, or how im germing, and such for those of you that werent with me in last grow and just a lil intro.:clap:

well sorry ive been absent hopefully those of ya in my previous grow that stuck by will stick by again!! =) well thanks for whoever is watchin in!! and any comments,advice,critism,thoughts,concerns,
help,questions, and anything else you can think of are more then welcome so enjoy!!

:leaf:a cheers to a new start!! =) thanks all =)
Peace SMOKE =ONE!!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hi Livelife Good luck on the grow.
Good soil, plenty of lights. looking good. My only concern at this point is your growspace. I think that you're going to run out of room (height) pretty quickly having only 2 ft to grow. Take two feet and subtract the lights themselves, and then subtract the required distance between the lights and the plants and you're left with barely over a foot to grow. And half of that foot will be the pot. Now your down to only six inches? Are you going to have a 2nd flower chamber or are you going to flower in the same place you veg?


Active Member
deff doing a diff flowering chamber!! but yea i thought bout that already the flowering chamber will be in elsewhere! =) well thanks for the concern =) hope your goin to stick around =) cool well peace and SMOKE =ONE!! =)


Well-Known Member
Its a good set up, my buddy had his clones in something similar, under the aquarium.

Might want to consider fixing the lights as high up as you can, and then moving the plants up or down, instead of moving the lights..makes everything a little more safe and stable.


Active Member
YES!!! another reply!! =) lol

very cool, thanks for the advice that does make sense lol with like books or boxes for getting them closer?? idk what would i use or an easier way? anyways thanks for advice!! =) much appreciated.



Active Member
i would have grown it in the tank lol, but i know its super stealth. nice setup tho.
lol i thought abouut it only cus there is a t5 fixture already placed in it so im kinda tempted lol im think bout doin it anyways lol but idk good idea though thanks for stoppin by!!

You could have 20,000 more lumens using 77 less watts of you switched to a 400 watt HPS
and you make an excellent point lol never thought of it that way lol wtf!! i need to buy one im actually going to do a hydro setup from stealth for flowering and going to do some cuttings!! =) lol with a 400watt but untill then i have to save and use the cfls then ill just use the 400 hps for both and just switch bulbs out. =) sounds pretty good hopefully i can make it happen ive also been thinkin of two 2ft t5's in veg much less heat the bagseed im using are overheating with all the bulbs so im trying to perfect it so i can drop some puple dotti seeds and some mouwie shit!! =) lol damn im high lol koo koo well thanks for posting as well sorry for the long ass reply lmao! =)



Active Member
:eyesmoke:alright so i was really super duper high talkin growing with my roomate and my girl and she came up with a good idea for humidity lol and now im putting it to action and planted like 8 plants right quick and i thought wtf why not put some pics of the new batch of testies im going to do instead of keepin yall waiting for the good shit and just create a new thread once im ready for that cus by that time shit will prob be changed so considered as another grow im just gonna grow these bags all the way through.:eyesmoke:

:wall:only reason for delay is because im scared of not doing the good seeds right so wtf doing another bagseed grow might as well learn from my errors on this then grow them lol:wall:

:leaf:just pics of some shit and moves and such but beautiful idea of using bottom of a 10 gal fish tank and placing a heat mat from the germination station that i bought and also used the humidity dome it came with to spray walls and dome with water and enclose it for humidity.:leaf:

:clap:so i pretty much have the best seedling setup heat to keep roots at optimal growing rate and humidty to add its a bonus lol well enjoy lata!! =):-P




Active Member
just in case anyone was interested:finger:? lmao!! jk jk for those who are thin skinned lol i enjoy updating anyways =)

well i planted yesterday got a good sprout today the seed shell is still on top but is now under a one bulb 6500k like 5-6 inches away dont want to put too much heat on it due to the fact it just prouted so yeah no pics sorry but its nothing special to see.! lol =)

well ttyl:-P
