Super Soil Deficiency - Help Needed ASAP


Well-Known Member
Two plants that require less food. Trust my analysis.

Edit: I suppose you already did by feeding. Good.
Ok, so if they are just hungry, would the yellow leaves continue to curl upwards, die and dry out after feeding? Because they are still dying at a fast pace two days later.


Well-Known Member
You are all talking about doing all sorts of shit when your at week 6.... your at week 6... compost tea or an organic general bloom nute and let it ride... you dont try to fix deficiencies at this point...

And yes, the leaves are going to continue to yellow and die, they are using up the reserved N as they should be... albeit a little early but if you get on it asap with the organic bloom nute or compos tea they'll be fine... they'll be fine either way actually...


Well-Known Member
Feeding a yellowing plant high P nutes is just going to make it yellow faster FYI. If you want it to not yellow because it's hungry, you gotta give it a higher ratio of N than P.

FYI, some OG Kushes like a very acidic pH. OG Kush has some very finicky phenos. Yours is doing very similar things to what the last og kush I grew did. I fought problems all the way through flower on my OG she barely had any fan leaves that hadn't yellowed by 8 weeks I ended up just cutting her early she smelled nasty too... not a keeper for me. That's why I like TGA I've never had a TGA plant that does that kind of shit. My guess is it's a finicky OG pheno or a pH/lockout issue, though that seems unlikely... have you pHed your tapwater? pretty sure if it's around 9 like my tap that might cause issues even for limed soil :)

I use super soil but I still pH my water I just don't trust it otherwise :) pH to 6.5 in veg and 6.8 in flower for SS. You will NEVER have to worry about 'is this a pH issue'.