super slow growth


Well-Known Member
Right on. Then once you have a grip on the age of your plant you can maybe give us info on your grow so we can help.


Well-Known Member
why does everybody always think they can grow in tanbark looking soil? Buy some good soil, dont water so much, no ferts at this stage.


Well-Known Member
Not as important as type of soil, amendments, watering schedule, temp rh lights ph ppm but i believe it all works together for a competent grow. The more you know, cause knowledge is power, sort of thing.

So to answer your question "should i add nutes" i think you should add info first.


Maybe you should of just asked for that information instead of being a smart ass?
Thanks for the advice booms
Its watered not on schedule but when it feels light I have only water once since sprouted not sure on temps there are 2x18w lights and 1x65w both 6500k


Well-Known Member
A little b one. Plant needs to establish a strang root network always slower growth at this stage


Well-Known Member
What is the soil your using anyway? Its the soil thats creating your issues since your not overwatering. Buy some ffof and mix with pro-mix. Ratio of 1 part ffof to 3 parts pro-mix for seedlings


Its called bloom all purpose potting mix I stupidly bought it because it said good drainage how would I go about transferring this to better soil


Well-Known Member
Honestly your taking a risk transplanting. So 3 options. 1 dont do anything and see if it grows out of it. 2nd transplant into good soil but with risk of hurting plant during transplant. 3rd is buy good soil and start over with new plant.

Id transplant. Id take it out of pot and carefully remove as much toxic soil off it as I can. Fill pot half way and pre water it. Then id dangle the roots over pot and pour soil over them slowly until pots filled and water.


Well-Known Member
What is the soil your using anyway? Its the soil thats creating your issues since your not overwatering. Buy some ffof and mix with pro-mix. Ratio of 1 part ffof to 3 parts pro-mix for seedlings
Transplant a seedling? Do it let me know if it lives!