Super Lemon Haze

Giddy up

Well-Known Member
Super Lemon Haze fem seeds x2 placed into root riot pods...

Will veg for 8-10 weeks, topping and super cropping multiple times...will be placed under 3' 6" x 4' 4" screen under 960w Mars reflector. Will be placed into 1 gal pots when roots come out of pods, then into 5 gal smart pots for duration.

Have a grow currently on day 22 of flower, will move SLHs into room as soon as they are harvested. Check that diary out too if you're bored!


Giddy up

Well-Known Member
SLH1 sprouted right before I turned the light out, I'm pretty sure I can see SLH2 pushing up but not positive. Pods are under 2ft 24w T5

Giddy up

Well-Known Member
SLH1 looking good. SLH2 was out of the ground for two days without the seed shell falling off...I got it wet and broke it apart w tweezers. It is looking rough and growing slowly but today it finally started turning green...


Giddy up

Well-Known Member
Went ahead and started my third SLH you can see I must have damaged the SLH2 when I pulled the seed shell off, as you can see I am missing 1 1/2 of the cotyledons....


Giddy up

Well-Known Member
SLH1 is kicking butt, started its 3rd set of leaves iPad died as I was posting the picture of all three but I will get one up soon...


Well-Known Member
Super Lemon Haze fem seeds x2 placed into root riot pods...

Will veg for 8-10 weeks, topping and super cropping multiple times...will be placed under 3' 6" x 4' 4" screen under 960w Mars reflector. Will be placed into 1 gal pots when roots come out of pods, then into 5 gal smart pots for duration.

Have a grow currently on day 22 of flower, will move SLHs into room as soon as they are harvested. Check that diary out too if you're bored!
Paste the link of day 22 diary to your signature,, it makes things easier and its like a billboard so everyone see's it


Well-Known Member
Hey that's nice I like it...thanks for the heads up!
Not a problem, glad I could help,, no one helped me out, there's a lot of trolls and assholes on here,, but there's a handful of good people willing to help out the new guy/girl,, unfortunately I had to figure out most of the stuff on my own,,
The cool thing is the longer your on here, there's more things and options that become available to you,, so be productive and patient,, try to contribute as much as you can,, but like I said watch out for trolls, they'll try to knock you off square,

Giddy up

Well-Known Member
And then there were you can tell, #2 is still a bit behind from the seed shell, hopefully in a couple more weeks the difference won't be too noticeable.


Giddy up

Well-Known Member
So on #2, the cotyledons were severely damaged by me removing the seed shell and promptly withered and died...will the plant be too badly stunted without the photosynthesis provided by the cotyledons, or will it speed up as soon as the sun leaves start to get bigger? I should mention that #1 is top left, #2 is top right, #3 is the new sprout in front
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Giddy up

Well-Known Member
SLH2 on left, SLH3 middle, SLH1 right. 2 & 3 watered, 1 given first shots of grow big and great white in very small doses...



Super lemon haze is a great strain, I got a clone that was a faster flowering phenotype and a great/potent producer.