Super lemon haze drooping and inward curling leaves ****************************


Well-Known Member
First i thought i was overwatering b/c of the humidity dome i had kept in a lot of moisture but i have been letting them dry out more thuroughly and then watering but it seems like the issue is only getting worse, these plants are approx 4 weeks from seed and only 1 seems to be exhibiting this issue.

pics attched, thoughts and troubleshooting greatly appreciated

and one pic of my last plant before it got chopped, got about 3.5 oz dry weight from that girl, of god bud



Well-Known Member
well if its just the one maybe its the seed...but im growing SLH to, its the most resilliant strain i have, never had any problems really, the smoke is dank as fuck too.


hi ive had the same prob too,i blame the growing media soil happened to me on 2 grows and the plants were making it to 2-4 weeks before dying,ive since changed my soil and everything is back to normal,i called it cats claw and to have at lt least 18 plant failures is sickening,the only conclusion i could eventually come up with was growing media,and it took a lot of heartbreak to know you are a good grower and this shit is happening in front of your eyes,i dont know how to fix what you have already got,but change your next grow im sure you will appreciate it .........ML


Well-Known Member
the other plant has roots emerging from the bottom of the rockwool so i think that one will be fine as for the sickened one i am trying to draw its roots down by watering on the lower section of the media in order to make it go hunting for wattaaaaa :P


hi the more i look at them,the leafs have lost their natural vigour,which makes them droop like your pic,you could keep them going ,but thats like pissing into the wind,they have no light uptake if they had you would see the leafs reaching towards the light,as ive said i had the same,its as if you have severly overwatered them,its not your fault the leafs are saturated with water ,squeeze them and they will not recover unlike a healthy leaf which will recover.........ML