Super Curling Leaves in Hydros


Active Member
Hi there I have these plants and have put them into dwc hydros about 2 weeks ago. My mistake I started them in soil. But after a few days they looked fine.

Now on one inparticular the leaves are curling right up and have gone skinny and dry. I have attached a few pics so you can all see.

My ph is 6 or just under and they have extensive bubbles going up their ass all day. The only other thing is the roots have started to go a bit green as has the water.

Also one of the "healthier" plants leaves have started to go slightly yellow at the edges as in the photo.

Anyway please help me



Active Member
I have been using one called growzilla. Initially I used 2.5mL per Litre but last week I added another 2.5mL to the mix. I don't have the tools to check ppm? Do you think I need to


Well-Known Member
liquid drop tester? or a pen? if so get it at 5.8 or 5.5

next make sure you have about 1100 - 1700 ppm for your nutes.
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Active Member
it is a liquid drop tester. I think I might just have to invest in a pen and a ppm tester. Thanks for your help aye