sun gro lc1 ~SOILS~

i recently bought a bag of sungro lc1 soil mix. i plan to use this mix through all stages of plant growth. the nutes im using are advance nutes formula 6 part set. what im wondering is how i should go about using the soil. i bought lc1 because i was told its very good for starting seedlings and clones with, however i plan to use this soil throughout the plants growth. are the basic nutes that come in lc1 enough to last me until i can start a nute regiment, or will i need to fertilize a little myself? what i was thinking was either add a little of the advanced nutes 3 part base formula to give it a small kick or maybe starting the nute regiment a few weeks early at quarter strength and just upping it each time. i dont really have the cash for bat guano or worm castings or anything i havnt already spent an arm and a leg for, so thats y im thinking of using the nutes i already have for this. im no pro so if someone has an opinion to share feel free.