Sun drying?


Well-Known Member
Got a question I need some input on. I've been reading up on growing tobacco as well. I was reading about the curing process and what type of smoke you get from the different methods. The process that contributes to the most flavorful and sweet smoke is sun drying. This is because sun greatly increases the rate at which chlorophyll and other agents are broken down and converted into sugar. So my question is would this work for weed too? I haven't found anyone ever claiming to sun dry it, but rather the popular method is to throw it in a jar in a dark place and let it sit for a few weeks. Does anyone know anything about sun curing? I'm sure someone has had to try it. There must be some reason people don't do this...


Well-Known Member
Also Make sure there is good ventilation around the buds when they dry but not blowing directly on them... Dark and cool is good.


Well-Known Member
You can buy rolling tabbacy for $.67 at wally world, it taste like crap though without all the fancy chemicals sprayed on it...


Well-Known Member
I was at dampring in Amsterdam and they had a DVD by the bar about RIFFMAN hash company in Morocco, they sun dried the plants before they beat them to harvest the glands. And I think but am not sure that they are one of the more reputable hash labels in europe.

I dont doubt that light destroyes THC, Im just not sure how rapidly the intense sunlight will cause the weed to lose potency in a noticable way. Im very curious.


Well-Known Member
Oh course they do it that way with bundles of plants in Morrocco, what they have wherehouses to properly hang them all??? The beat the hash in bags over top of drums with sticks... Seriously its the cheapest set up to make large amounts hash possible.

I have seen these videos, what in them made you think the no shoe wearing people give a flying shit about making a connosouir product????


Well-Known Member
I'd wonder where his clothes were...

That was an awful attempt at a joke. I am sorry.
It wasn't a joke.. Just imagine seeing that. Wouldn't that be funny? Shut the fuck up if you have nothing good to say. Go be cynical somewhere else, douchebag.

Who dries their clothes on a clothesline anymore?


Well-Known Member
I think this is a valid question because I've always wondered about those videos showing Jamacians walking through a field, picking off a bud & smoking it right away.


Well-Known Member
I think this is a valid question because I've always wondered about those videos showing Jamacians walking through a field, picking off a bud & smoking it right away.

Thats all marketing bullshit...the equivalent to showing a McDonald's burger with large meat patties and fresh lettuce and tomato...when all your seeing is a colored plastic with squirts of glycerin on it to simulate water...sure it looks great but we know better...damn, suddenly I feel like making a trip to Mc-e-Dee's...


Well-Known Member
Thats all marketing bullshit...the equivalent to showing a McDonald's burger with large meat patties and fresh lettuce and tomato...when all your seeing is a colored plastic with squirts of glycerin on it to simulate water...sure it looks great but we know better...damn, suddenly I feel like making a trip to Mc-e-Dee's...

Oh LAWWDIE! I just got back from McDonalds. If you go, try this:

Double-cheese burger
No Ketchup
w/Mac Sauce.

Holy shit. :hump::hump: