Summer ahead?


Well-Known Member
I have 4 plants all female.. i had only one male and i killed him unfortunately..
im on day 32 and im using foxfarm ocean forest with big bloom nutes.. after the one month mark i started feeeding the nuteys half strength per gallon..

2 of my girls are flowering.. one is starting a dense ass cola and is totally flowering.
and the other one my most healthy is flowering but its still making leafy hairy things growing at the top.. idk if its budding or not..
and the third one is vegging completely which is fine it will be huge when it buds.
the 4th one is stunted but finally catching up.. the 4th female is basically the experimental plant, i try cropping techniqes etc on it.

my spot is very secure.. no people at all, and the entrance is a snake infested haven which is great.. also there are blackberry's all over my weed patch so whenever i visit i get a snack too.
I will post pics as soon as my phone turns back on and i can link the pics to snapfish..

okay my question though is do you think since summer is approaching that my girls will get confused and revert and totally mess up? Im praying for my girls to keep flowering and doin good for another 12 weeks so i can harvest. But im unsure..

One thing though.. all the plants around my house n area are flowering right now.. bee's are pollinating the blackberries and evetyhing is naturally flowerng so hopefully im okay. \

What are your guys thoughts? Also im in Florida.


Well-Known Member
Your plants will reveg. When you see fresh new leaves appearing on the tips of buds, harvest. The buds are as ripe as they'll get.

If you leave about 1/3 of the bud sites, the plant will reveg and produce a larger harvest in the Fall.


Well-Known Member
veggie thanks so much for that advice.. listen man im gonna post some pics once i get to that poiint of almost harvestinbg.. i hope you can help.