Suggestions for next grow

Surfer Joe

Well-Known Member
I have been growing autoflowers and am not as pleased with the potency compared to the pot I can buy in Amsterdam, so I want to try growing some photoperiod strains.
I also realized that I don't really want a huge amount of just one strain, so I want to try a few different strains for my next grow.

I like a sativa effect but don't mind some of the indica effects either. I really enjoyed northern lights and the amnesia/haze strains over the years which are cerebral and uplifting and psychedelic.

I have a small grow tent and will grow in airpots this time. I would like to plant 4 photoperiod strains that don't grow very tall and are good reliable strains.
Can anyone please suggest some strains that I might look into?

Is there any difference in potency between regular photoperiod and feminized photoperiod seeds? I would prefer to stick with feminized seeds unless there is a significant difference in potency between the two.

Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
what are u growing the autos in and what strains

i have some very nice ones.........soil does well but hydro gets alot more weight

photos u controll it completely .............the height and all that the rule i was taught was grow it 1/3 the size of the room u have then flip it to flowering and the strech will fill up the rest of the area

as for strains that is all u what do u want ..........tastes /effects

if u just want massive THC .............OG Nighttrain 25.24% thc ..........that is the strongest i know that is on the market

as for autos i know of several seeds that are
15% thc or more


Well-Known Member
You obviously have an idea of the strains you like, so here's your chance to be a kid in a candy store again. Go to a seed bank that sells singles -- I've never ordered from them, but I see Attitude has a pick ' mix section -- and get excited about all the possibilities for your tent. I'd order at least a half dozen in case you have a bean or two that doesn't pop. Hey if you're a "I'm not into commitments" type of guy, this potentially gives you the chance to sample up to six strains from different breeders. Grab the menu & enjoy!

Surfer Joe

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I have heard a lot about a strain called think different.
Any comments on that one?
My main reason for wanting to try a photoperiod is to see if they are more potent than the auto flower strains.
I can't help thinking that having to cross a strain with a ruderalis, which has little potency, can't produce the most potent weed, and my comparisons to grass I've smoked in Holland do not measure up.
I may be growing it wrong or harvesting it wrong, but the stuff is simply not as strong as the store bought stuff.


Well-Known Member
here it goes

Blue dream

Jack Herer

i know for some i really want to try Cherry bomb

as for your shit compared to their shit

unless u up your game as in bigger lights /CO2 system / a controlled feeding from years of growth exp on the strains ................your stuff our stuff will never compare to their stuff

1 when u get your stuff odds u are drying it for 7 to 10 days and then smoking it ..............not really cured the right way
2 when u feed the plants u are messing around trying to find what it likes best as they grown it several times over several years their tweaking has been done yours has not
3 the lights and the evo they are in there is more tuned for the weed then our set up out here (they invested 10000 plus in the grow room)

Surfer Joe

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I've always loved Jack Herer and the link info sounds great for what I want.
The blue dream is probably going to be too tall for my space.

You're right about everything that has been done wrong.
It's a shame that conditions are never going to reach the level of the pros.
But it's a challenge and it's fun to try getting it right.


Well-Known Member
buddy u can reach it

it took me a year but from running autos i moved from cfls to t5s to hids to LED

at this point i quit my normal job and just work 2 hours aday ..........i grow 8 plants total 4 in flower 4 in veggie i only ask 300 a oz and i off load it only to 5 ppl

i am currently reworking a 12x12 room with tents led and Co2 all on the sheer profit of the plants start this i had to skip eathing for a whole month for 2 months i ate once a day every other day my first tent

this is the trick
figure out what it cost u to grow ........seed power soil feed and times it by 3 1 time to recover cost 2 times to double and expand 3 times for the time and effort u put in

when it is time to cut and jar up only u or ppl u have trained touch the buds u clip it down nice take off the sticks just leave enough on for the curing ( my jars about 1 gram stick weight ppl never bitched) ...........u take the branch and u start at the bottom cut up keep going untill the jar is filled this way all the jars are the same some lower buds some middle lvls and some top buds ........depending on the skill it could take as little as one branch to as many as 4 to make a oz but this way no one saids they got the bottom of the bag ........and they look good as hell so ppl are happy

u keep the cola that is your treat for growing it but the rest u can part with if u are making a decent amount so far was a monster auto got 24 oz 20 grams (hydro with 1000w hid)........... in soil i am getting near 8 oz a plant ........the smaller ones like what u want to do i can do 4 oz

it is about the light the water u feed it/feed and CO2
my current math is 90 bucks a plant
the new math will be 40 bucks a plant