Subs weed is tasty ? What's his curing and drying method?


I am lucky that I am able to be in both Nor cal and So cal. My family is up north and I'm in SoCal. I smoke that weed you guys see Sub growing and I smoke Kyle's Veganic Strawberry cough. Both are great but however Sub cures his weed is awesome. Such great flavor. I usually just trim my fan leaves and fresh freeze everything and have a guy turn it into concentrates. I do this because I get top notch product fresh freezing but it would be great to keep a few zips of flowers but it's always a waste. And I only freeze the material a week and 3 days later I have better Solventless and shatter than I can buy anywhere. No waiting months for the drying and curing. I would love to know subs method and Kyles for that perfect cure.