Subs book "Dank"...september?


Well-Known Member
Sub is the book still scheduled for september or sooner now? Or anyone else know?...oh and thanks for the extra pack of jtr sub, or tell doc bob thanks lol


Well-Known Member
Dank: The Quest for the Very Best Marijuana

By Subcool

Price: $29.95

11” x 9” Full Color Coffee Table book, 176 pages

Release Date: Sept 2008

ISBN13#: 978-0-932551-89-4

The story of one breeder’s search for the perfect marijuana plant. This book takes you behind the scenes into the world of gourmet marijuana. The author describes each step of his journey: raising each strain, mixing and matching traits, and ultimately choosing the offspring that will advance to become the newest pinnacle in pot, the newest dank. Subcool is a talented photographer as well as a breeding wizard. Full-color photos perfectly showcase the fresh, mature buds of 35 different varieties. This is the tale of many years of passionate selection and experience.


Well-Known Member
I will most def be picking this book up to add to my small (but growing) book collection on marijuana. Thanks Subcool it looks like it will be a good one



I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to state that I won a signed copy of subcool's Dank from attitude seeds!!!!!!!!!! Im excited to get it.