Stupid Cali Weather!


Well-Known Member

I have clones in small pots that are 3 or so weeks old, seem to be rooted well and looking ready to transplant into larger pots. I keep them outside, but with all the rain keep bringing them into our day room where they get reflective light from outside when it's raining. I'm almost at the point to say fuck it and transplant them anyway and leave them outside, but am afraid they'll drown in overly wet soil that doesn't have a chance to dry out. Even in these small pots the soil stays very moist for 2-3 days after watering lightly

In the small pots they are in, moving them back and forth is easy, once I commit to the bigger (3 gallon) pots I'll have less room inside and more effort moving. Should I just wait til next week when SUPPOSEDLY the rain stops, or just throw 'em out there?

Also thinking of FIMming, best bet to wait til they are transplanted and have a few days to adapt?


Well-Known Member
My plants outside have been fine. I put 2 Pre 98 Bubba's and 1 Blue Dream in the ground just before these last few rains and so far so good. If you want to wait the extra few days it will be worth it so you don't have to worry about them Sunday/Monday. It's also going to get a little cold in our area as well.

Definitely wait a week or so before trying any techniques that will stress your plants but that is just my opinion. :D

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! 4 pre 98 Bubbas, Larry OG, Purple trash and a dwarf Kardashian Kush here. The Kardashian was a sad clone to begin with, it still might not make it, but it's growing little miniature leaves now, so who knows? Looks like a Bonsai!

Yeah I'll wait til the rain clears out next week first. They're 6-10 inches tall at the moment.


Well-Known Member
yea i just been keeping my girls inside..i've had my holes dug for 2 weeks already but the weather has just been so so where im from..i plain on putting them outside monday cuz i'm hearing we wont see rain for a while now


Well-Known Member
You should be good then. Did you pick up the Grindhouse Bubbas or Mags?
The Kardashian was from Grindhouse and the 2 pre 98 bubbas I picked up at the same time, I think grindhouse too, the Purple trash was mags. Except the trash, none were well rooted and had few leaves. Plus I stuck them outside without acclimating and burned the leaves. One kardashian bit it, the bubbas are recovering nicely. The next week, thinking I may lose most of them I got 2 more bubbas and larry OG. Those were all Mags, and had great roots and lots of healthy leaves, those are doing great.


Well-Known Member
Yeah looking at the 2 the Mags Bubbas I picked up they looked to be rooted better and in a better medium. I didn't particularly like how the Grindhouse roots were cris-crossing in the rockwool. :( Hopefully yours pull thorough and make it.

doc H.

I'm in the same boat, but I am gonna just leave them outside, so far the rain hasn't overly soaked the smart pot i have them in. Its funny though one clone is showing signs of over fertilization, but the other is doing fine i have them both in a 2 gallon smart pot with fox farm soil with like an inch or two of the hydro clay on the bottom to help drain, and plan on transplanting when the nutes go dry. Good luck and at least the weather is good for Ca as a whole its been dry lately and its nice to see the rivers flowing strong again

doc H.

The Kardashian was from Grindhouse and the 2 pre 98 bubbas I picked up at the same time, I think grindhouse too, the Purple trash was mags. Except the trash, none were well rooted and had few leaves. Plus I stuck them outside without acclimating and burned the leaves. One kardashian bit it, the bubbas are recovering nicely. The next week, thinking I may lose most of them I got 2 more bubbas and larry OG. Those were all Mags, and had great roots and lots of healthy leaves, those are doing great.

My leaves burned also, and now i think it cause i didnt acclimate them. This is my first outdoor grow so i dont know all the tricks of the trade yet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah....I've grown before indoor and outdoor, but never had clones before. I used to veg under flourescents til they were 3-4 feet tall and throw them outside with no problems. But the clones are small and just rooting so more sensitive. Plus it rained and then the sun came out, that caused a large part of the burning

So, Doc and guys Mags patients?


Well-Known Member
I dont think it is the weather. If you want to harden off I find the best time is during cloudy weather. Look at my plants for proof some have been out since April. Good luck keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Doc, I was referring to a local dispensary that ABM and I go to.

So looks like the rain is gone from the area, transplanted 3 of the most developed clones into bigger pots, and tried my first fim on them today. Cut about 3/4's of the very top growth....hopefully it wont slow them down like topping does


Well-Known Member
Doc, I was referring to a local dispensary that ABM and I go to.

So looks like the rain is gone from the area, transplanted 3 of the most developed clones into bigger pots, and tried my first fim on them today. Cut about 3/4's of the very top growth....hopefully it wont slow them down like topping does
If you cut part of the main stem it will slow the plant down. How long now that is another story. Just be patient with them the plant will do good outside in a nice size pot. In the future try not to do too much in a day. Transplant let plant recover then fim or top or whatever not all in one day in my opinion. I think it is too much stress on the plant. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i transplanted Saturday carefully, no signs of stress so I figured now was a good time. I have a few other clones not ready for transplant yet, I'll give them a few days after I do to Fim. Gonna go to 3 gallon pots, then to 10 gallons in the next month or so.

Didn't cut the stem itself, just clipped a good portion of the top shoot.

doc H.

no i am not a mag patient, i still get my medicine the old fashioned way, dispensary's cost 2 much at least were im from and the quality isnt what i would expect for top dollar prices.. anyway......... what exactly does the fim technique do?


Active Member
Anybody else's plants lovin that Cali weather at the moment? Supposed to be even nicer tomorrow.