Stressed family relations, who is to blame?


I am a marine corps vet 06-07 OEF II. Ever since I got back I have had less and less contact with my family. It concerns me enough to write about it to you fine folks but not enough to seek professional help or intervention.

A lot of things changed when I got back. My dad got remarried and bought a house, my sister got accidentally pregnant by a drug dealing thug, my mom turned into a religious nutjob and got remarried. This is what I used to consider my nuclear family. I have two step siblings which I will get to later.

Since getting back I've become increasingly less tolerant of people to the point that I've pushed away about 80% of my friends (either they are creationists or have no integrity). This has bled over to family ties. Lately I've become very hypercritical about a lot of things and have spent a great deal of time analyzing things that have happened in the past. Up to this point for whatever reason they have never bothered me but now I use it as ammunition to fuel my justification of considering just cutting ties altogether.

My father - a racist, sexist, alcoholic and abusive man. My sister and I are adopted, we are asian and have white parents. My father is very racist towards blacks and mexicans. I've tried to point out that if you are racist towards one group it is just as offensive to me b/c it's that same ignorance that I have to deal with from time to time. He just laughs like it's no big deal. I know he's cheated on my mom when they were married. He used to bring us kids out to the boondocks once in a while to meet a woman (who used to be a former student of his). it didn't don on me till recently that he was having an affair after thinking about "why the hell would he drive all the way out there to meet some woman I've never met?". He has a short short temper and verbally abused us, lots of yelling and swearing. He's also hit me on numerous occasions for rediculous things (when I was 7 was playing hide and seek with sister. dad wanted to leave and get us in the car but we kept running around. he waits behind a door, waits for me to walk past it and slams me in the face with his fist hard enough to flatten me on the ground.) He is also a union lawyer for the police in a major metropolitan area. He is responsible to getting thousands of crooked cops back on the street throughout his career. He has always used money as leverage on us kids. I used to think I loved him, but I realize now how much I hate him.

My biological sister - we've always been very close until I was deployed. while I was deployed my sister was inpregnated by some asshole drug dealer. my sister dates black guys exclusively. my dad wonders why and I tell him b/c he is such a racist, he of course laughs it off and gets pissed at me. she tells me this while I'm deployed! like I didn't need more stress. I get back and she is defaulting on a car lease. I take it over as a favor and since I didn't have a car since I just got back from deployment it was a win-win. 6 months down the road she demands the car back (agreement was I finish out the lease terms). in a fervent feverish anger I had never seen from her before. I just give her the damn car back and buy a used car. drug dealer baby daddy takes car on suspended liscence joyride. gets pulled over flees from police - 8 months state prison. dude gets out. sister's ATM card gets stolen. she accuses me of stealing over $1000 from her card. presses formal police charges. during investigation they find out that it was her baby daddy on the ATM recorder taking out money. they get married. have two more kids. both become religious nuts (his parents are religious). wants to homeschool kids on creationism. I have arguments and thoughts. Wash my hands of this too?

My mother - forced me to go to church despite me protesting it wildly as a child. I finally had to put my foot down when I was 16 and said NO MORE!! since then I haven't gone to church and I'm 31 now. after age 10 she resented me a great deal b/c of my resistance to religion. she played favorites and made it obvious. whenever i managed to save more than $100 as a kid she would force me to spend it on my own meals and shampoo and shit like that. never telling me to keep saving. teaching me, if you save money I make you buy things you normally get for free as a kid. dad and mom get divorced at 16 she moves away. at that time we were not very fond of eachother. since then awkward convos on the phone on birthdays and holidays. she always rushes me off the phone. she never calls. I decided to stop too. haven't talked to her in years.

step sister - the shining star of the family, a doctorate in OT, professor at med school - know it all bitch. last time I see her we visit her house for thanksgiving - 6 day trip. i like to be good guest. I try helping around the house, doing dishes, cleaning up, ect. everything I do is not good enough. constant complaining. never went back. see her sometimes throughout the year - relationship is stressed, not much talking. we don't talk on the phone at all.

step brother - this fuckhead really screwed me up as a kid. granted he was physically abused by his nanny who used to beat him with a wooden paddle but no excuse for his behavior. he is a 50 year old unemployed degenerate. fired from over 30 different job in the span of a decade. he is also the most prolific compulsive liar I have ever met. when I was a kid and he was in highschool he would drink in the car when dropping me off at my mother's house. when I was a kid and would ask him questions of curiosity he would intentionally distort the truth to distort my understanding of basic things in a effort to derail my mental development? now that we're both grown ass men he lies.. he lies all the time to everyone not just me. everyone in family knows he is a compulsive liar, we have had lengthy discussions as a family about it. he lies about me all the time. i have a medical grow. he lies to my father saying I grow illegally and I have over a 100 plants. father comes over furious only to find that I am legal and only have 8 plants. step brother lies about god knows what else. this stems from the fact that despite my father's abuse, I am his favorite child and he has made no effort to disguise this. this makes my step brother insanely jealous even though he has done nothing in his life to grant such adoration.

Is it any wonder I avoid family holidays at all costs? or am I a intolerant son of a bitch that needs to grow up?


i've kept friends from high school and a few from college but most of them I don't talk to, a lot of them are dishonest which is the #1 pet peeve of mine. i try not to talk to my creationist friends anymore, they infuriate me. seems the more enlightened I become about various concepts/topics the more intolerant I become


Well-Known Member
I truly feel for you man. Seems like life has been pretty unfair. I do strongly believe you will meet new friends and have a good life. Just my take on things.
As for your family give it some time.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
my 2 cents. The people in your life have always been this way. You had all of these problems before you joined the service. After your experience overseas you have a different perception on life, and all these problems you had with the people in your life are now starting to surface. You are starting to see people for who they really are.

Personally, I would move away from them, but keep in contact, even if it is minimal conversation. Take a friend that you still enjoy being around and go to a different state. If you don't have anyone that you still enjoy being around, who cares, just make sure you move somewhere that coming into social interactions will be easy.

Just my opinion


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know what to do if I lived in an area where people believed In creationism. If it was that bad I would consider moving maybe to an area with more educated people. I know how you feel about beeing intolerant of stupidity, but I'm learning to just let it roll of my shoulders.
Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
i think you need a change of scenery. throw away your old christmas card list and begin anew. the leaches will disappear as leaches always do.


i think you need a change of scenery. throw away your old christmas card list and begin anew. the leaches will disappear as leaches always do.
ya, it is what it is..nothing you can do about it..your pushing them away for a reason..just move on and whoever comes back..accept them


Well-Known Member
I have a deep desire to go back to my youth when certain aunts and uncles were still married
grandparents were still alive and I felt normal. However those things are no longer as they were and they never will
be again. Find ways to enjoy today. your future is not somewhere in the past. Best of luck its a tough awareness
but you have made it this far. Enjoy the memories


Well-Known Member
you're getting some sound advice from most everyone here it seems like... you're growing up and seeing with open eyes for the first time, you should be proud of yourself to be able to rise above all the bullshit. It's not easy to let go of family and friends but sometimes it's neccessary. You obviously have a good head on your shoulders, continue to use it!!! if you need to move to another state to get away and cut those ties then you should. There are a lot of good ppl out there, it's just not always easy to find them. I wish you the best... stay high


Ursus marijanus
The real trick imo is to separate your space from that of your family ... without succumbing to the temptation to hate or despise them. Ultimately, your deeds and theirs will be the true accounting. cn


Well-Known Member
Dam...thats fucked up.You have some clarity on your life and how others you have been close to have changed,it dosent sound like theyve done so for the better at any rate.All you can do is move on for your sake,make your own life,meet new people.If you stay around those individuals that youre already beyond pissed off with,youll end up like them in my opinion


Active Member
You need to stay away from them. You can't help people who don't want to be helped, and they are dragging you down. Just avoid them for now. Be there for them if they need you but don't stew in the pot of filth they've brewed up for you.


Active Member
still dont sound more fucked up then my family... grew up with the most fucked up people you can ever meet.
You may mean well, but comments like these just make people feel worse. If someone's suffering, telling them "that ain't shit" doesn't make them feel like it's not a big deal, it makes them feel weak, insulted, and judged.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Don't cut communication completely, in the end you will only feel guilty. I cut communication with my grandmother because of a problem in my childhood. She lived with a man who thought it would be ok to physically and sexually abuse me when I was only 6 or 7. I don't remember much, but I do remember I thought this was normal and acceptable behavior. Of course it wasn't and when I began to hit puberty it dawned on me that I had been sexually abused and I took my frustration and digust out on myself. After that, I came out with it. I told my doctor, blah blah blah, my family finds out and she wont kick the old bastard out. So, we stopped talking to her.

I just saw her for the first time in 12 years. Shes in hospice care dying from cervical cancer which has spread to her colon, liver, bones, lungs, breasts, and brain. She wouldn't be in this pain if I had been there to take care of her, if any of us were there to take care of her. We were not there. Now I have to live with myself for that.

So in the end, your damned if you do and damned if you don't, I guess...


Well-Known Member
Purklize I feel for ya man... When family doesn`t get on it just messes with your head. It all sounds pretty screwed up and is obviously not any of your fault.

I don`t like the thread title though bud I understand your angry but blame does not relive my anger. Don`t forget the people you hold responsible for your pain are feeling pain themselves, and thats why they inflict. The more you can understand the better off you are. Its easier when you haven`t seen them in a while.

I stood up to mine and got kicked out, along with my mom :)

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
I think if I were in your position I would have ended up beating up your stepdad. The rest of them would have been cut off from day one and not allowed even a glimpse into my life.

I feel you've been dealt a bad hand in life. Though im sure it has made you stronger and more level headed because of this realisation. Either way move on from that and don't look back, it'll only bring more negativity.


Well-Known Member
I feel that blame towards family and friends just leads to hate. Then the hate turns into something I pent up in my mind. I then think about it and it stresses me out!

I only see family twice a year and yeah they annoy me and ask stupid questions, but whatever. It keeps everyone happy and I usually save the cost on making dinner that night.

I also realized that people are not perfect and me included, everyone fucks up in their life at some point.

I could blame my parents for some of the shit they put me through, but why do that? Am I suppose to live in blame or get on with my life and enjoy the small fraction I have here on earth?

Fuck man its gone so fast, makes me think that I shouldnt even be here anymore talking on forums. I enjoy the conversations, but there is a lot of shit to do in the world.