Strawberry cloning...?


Well-Known Member
has anybody every tried strawberry cloning before, i tried to look it up but i couldnt find anything substantial. thanks!


Well-Known Member
Strawberries clone by themselves! They send out runners, grow them and you'll see what I mean!
Yep.. I posted a pic from the web showing how the plant creates runners and everywhere those runners start you get an elbow that will root in anything soft enough.. you usually get these when ordering from the web as in from park seed or such.

I did a big strawberry hydro setup a few weeks back and did a bunch of pictures. Was going to create a grow log, but blew a hose, shot 25 gallons of water on the floor and had to clear the room out.. now they are in the yard doing fine.. provided the deer dont eat them. :mrgreen:


Active Member
ive cloned a strawberry plant from just a leaf cutting put it in some clonging powder put it in my DWC and roots showed in about a week


Active Member
Really? Well if theyre easy to clone it might be worth a try but I heard it takes two years just to get fruit. I like the idea of them cloning themselves and having more strawberries than I know what to do with but.. I want em now..