stinkbud cloner question


Well-Known Member
I looked everywhere in his 500 page post, how much gallons of water do i put in 18 gallon ruff neck aero cloner versus the cloning solution per gallon. i have 20 clone spots. need to know, also where do i cut my clones from my mothers like four feet wide and four feet tall.


Well-Known Member
i know some of you use his system, im just needing to know the ammount of water to use in the sprayer system and how much clonex solution vs gallon. thanks


Well-Known Member
Fill it with water just below the sprayer nozzles. Use soft water that has been phed. Dip the clone that has been feshly cut into
Clonex gel then put it into the plug. Taking clones from the lower part of the plant works well but I like to take mine from the tips of each brNch just make sure where ur cloning from is fresh soft stems and not old and turnin to bark already

I have built this exact clonin machine and have used it like this many times with amazing results