still confused on nutes

Okay so ive been deciding what different type of bud i want to grow and so then i think the next step would be to get some good nutrients so my question is how do i know what are the right nutes for different buds because im sure that bud is region specific so im guessing there are different kinds for different buds so just let me know oh and what different elements does 1-1-4 stand for :) sorry for being a lazy piece i know i couldve looked at google for the second part but id rather here it straight from the pros thanks guys again this is going to make my first grow a lot more succesful

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Okay so ive been deciding what different type of bud i want to grow and so then i think the next step would be to get some good nutrients so my question is how do i know what are the right nutes for different buds because im sure that bud is region specific so im guessing there are different kinds for different buds so just let me know oh and what different elements does 1-1-4 stand for :) sorry for being a lazy piece i know i couldve looked at google for the second part but id rather here it straight from the pros thanks guys again this is going to make my first grow a lot more succesful
Google "NPK value"

All bud is the same; they like high nitrogen in veg, and high phosphorus in flower.


Well-Known Member
eyeneye second green cross....they want nitrogen in veg,,,,,phosphorus and trace minerals,,in flower
N wich is for Nitrogen is the first number
P wich is for Phosphorus is the second
K wich is potassium is the third

As the others stated during veg you want a mix that has a higher N then in flowering a higher p&k
For instance my Grow Big is 6-4-4 Im using it in veg then Combined with my flowering nutes wich are 2-8-4 Tiger bloom and eventually I will back off the grow big and give them a soluble for 2 weeks that is 0-50-30 Along with the tiger bloom and for the phaze of flowering giving them a soluble of 9-50-10 with the Tiger bloom to finish off.
how do you know when to switch nutes like i know diff between veg and flower but like when in cycles do you incease decease certain nutes?


Well-Known Member
how do you know when to switch nutes like i know diff between veg and flower but like when in cycles do you incease decease certain nutes?
Veg cycle is the plant growing. SO your giving it the nutrients it need to do so. After you start seeing preflowers and determined the plants sex you can start on on your flowering nutes. The plant will eventually stop growing into its flowering cycle and no longer needs all the Nitrogen needed at first. Now it needs the Phosphorus to produce those buds. Theres wonderfull faq section that will explain most of this.
yea just found that thank you great sir oh and one more question say im running a hydro system wth a veg room then take clones and put them in the flower room and say id want to flower sa 4 plants at a time in the flowering room...what wattage hps should i use and is the glass on the reflectors to keep heat out


Well-Known Member
yea just found that thank you great sir oh and one more question say im running a hydro system wth a veg room then take clones and put them in the flower room and say id want to flower sa 4 plants at a time in the flowering room...what wattage hps should i use and is the glass on the reflectors to keep heat out
I grow outdoors Im sure theres a few here that can help just hang around and someone will answer that for you. Or at least give you a retarded attempt at it. My guess for 4 plants you could get away with a 400w hps