Still cant figure out whats wrong with my girls..


Active Member

I have two plants that seem to be having some issues. 3 Months old, one g-13 haze from barneys farm, and an amherst sour d from HSO. have them under a 400w MH, humidity about 75-78, temp 75. Have gone very easy on feeding, have only used the grow formula from roots organics. I use soil medium, and it doesnt get too wet or too dry. I can only gather that I must have some nutrient lockout of some kind?



Active Member
amazing looking plants to be honest! very nice LST dude, let's hope u can fix them decaying leaves before light flip. The general pale appearance of your plants suggests they are hungry. It might be time to up the nutes. you could also check ph. Check water of ph and check run-off water to be sure you're not way off. If you are then you know its a lockout. Otherwise its a deficiency and they're hungry.


Active Member
i tested runoff and the ph was 6.9, and im using foxfarm ocean forest. Thanks for the compliments too, really hope I can pinpoint the problem soon and get em back to health before starting flower.

Also, I just tested our well water ph, and its a 6.0
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Active Member
gah this is driving me crazy!! I've been on a couple year hiatus from growing as I was living in a non-med state. Had 3 years of grow experience before that, and this is my first grow as I'm back in a green state. Have never had any deficiency/toxicity issues in the past...

Pretty much the only thing that makes sense is maybe a potassium/phosphorous deficiency, but I dont wanna just start adding different nutes as I know that can get messy.


Active Member
just ran another ph test, and got 6.4 for both plants, so I'd think that would rule out nutrient lockout..


Active Member

I have two plants that seem to be having some issues. 3 Months old, one g-13 haze from barneys farm, and an amherst sour d from HSO. have them under a 400w MH, humidity about 75-78, temp 75. Have gone very easy on feeding, have only used the grow formula from roots organics. I use soil medium, and it doesnt get too wet or too dry. I can only gather that I must have some nutrient lockout of some kind?


Well-Known Member
Looks like advanced mag def to me. Possibly from too much cal in your well water.

Supplement plain Epsom salt at 1/4 teaspoon per gallon should fix it up for ya.

Good luck


Active Member
thank you! just looked at some pictures of mag def plants and definitely look similar, and read that the epsom wont necessarily harm the plant if it isnt the case. Shall hit em up with some epsom!


Well-Known Member
I use Heavy 16 Foliar for CalMag. No ph'ing needed, and the plants visually respond positively to their feeding every 5 days. I don't veg under HID, so I believe the consensus is that you should hit them right at or before lights out. I veg under T5/LED so I just spray them whenever. Really makes a big difference and fills in those micronutrient holes in a convenient delivery system. There are cheaper ways for sure - but I struggled with CalMag deficiencies until I started using it and I always have it in the lineup now. Epsom salts for sure, or some inexpensive CalMag nutrients could give you some results you are looking for.