Sticky fingers???


Well-Known Member
Well I just realized Pam cooking spray and dish soap together actually clean up sticky ass fingers. FYI after smoking yummy finger hash of course


Well-Known Member

This could be useful for dirty resin. Nobody goes for gloves when they try to clear out their pipe.


Well-Known Member
Washing your hands with oil (cheapest cooking oil you can find) dissolves the cannabis oils easily. Then dish soap removes the oil from your hands real quick.


Well-Known Member
91% isopropyl alcohol is your friend.
The answer for everything.. when I trim I have a pair sitting in a glass of Iso… when one pair gets mucky I drop it into the glass and pull out the other… clean all my smoking utensils and grinder in ISO… my fingers if I touch oil or my homegrown.



Well-Known Member
The answer for everything.. when I trim I have a pair sitting in a glass of Iso… when one pair gets mucky I drop it into the glass and pull out the other… clean all my smoking utensils and grinder in ISO… my fingers if I touch oil or my homegrown.

I hope you scrape them first. Scissor hash is my favorite part of trimming!


Well-Known Member
Aw geez Buck. I am terrible at spamming. But I make a very fine hand cleaner for strong resins and saps. Available at hydro stores near you!

Now I shall report myself for spam.


Well-Known Member
91% isopropyl alcohol is your friend.
It is your friend for about a week until the moisture in your skin is totally stripped and your skin cracks. It works but tends to leave a bit of a residue.

Veggie oil is a pretty good cheap solution. Better than corn or olive.

I have run into a few people who swear by WD-40. But it doesn't really dissolve the resin. It just coats it and keeps it from being sticky. Frankly I think I would rather have resin on my fingers than WD-40.

There are about a half a dozen products to help with clean up out right now. Some are good, some are nearly ineffective. The good ones do a pretty fine job of removing the resin without damaging your hands or leaving residue.