Sterile Seeds?


Active Member
I recently pollinated one of my girls with some PK pollen that was in the fridge and I got few dozen nice big tiger striped seeds. I've attempted to germ a couple and they just won't pop. The container I stored the pollen in was airtight and somewhat fresh; 5 months tops. Do the seeds need to sit for a certain time frame, are they too fresh?

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
I dry mine, put them in the fridge for 2 days and then try to germ them. and they should be ready after harvest, but i take this monotonous method and it gives me good results. maybe for the placebo effect, because im sure aside from the drying, the keeping them cool doesn't 'increase' germ results but it does keep their shelf life high.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with Chemist. You should dry your seeds out first and allow to rest, remember in nature those seeds will be dormite over winter before they sprout. I am sure there are seeds which will pop right off the plant the wait should increase the germ rate which is $$$$ in your pocket. Personally, I take my seeds allow to sit out in a tray a few days. Then I use little airtight containers and place the seeds in with a bit of rice to ensure moisture is kept out of the jar. I just cracked 4 out of 4 which were from a 2007 crop so the shelf life is good this way if nothing else.
Best of luck in the future endeavors