Stealth Growing Box!(:

I've decided to create a growing box disguised as a stand for a game console or whatever else you want to put on top of it to hide my plant in. This setup is a simple-non complex and cheap growing box for one plant. The setup will be like this:

Growing box:
Length(Front of growing box)-1ft and 6 inches

It will be created out of wood, the back piece will be a lighter and more thinner piece of wood held on by multiple canvas offset pieces so that the back piece can be removed to reveal the hollow inside of the growing box where the plant and etc. will be stored.

Inside the growing box, the walls will be painted straight white, I prefer not to deal with the pain in the ass of mylar. A Hydrofarm LKIT150 Dayspot 150-Watt Light will be hung from the top of the box. A normal room fan will be on targeting the grow box and a heater will also be behind the box keeping the plant warm.

Now remember, this setup is suppose to be hidden, cheap and simple. It should be able to grow a decent plant as long as everything goes well. Especially since it will be my first;-)

So, Any suggestions, comments or ideas?

P.S. I will post pictures when finished being created(:
Yeah, I'm gonna also get an Ona Block for odor and also a scented cannabis candle to use as an excuse. My roomates dont care about a candle.


Well-Known Member
You are going to need an intake and exhaust fan, a fan blowing air around the box isn't going to cut it
You need to have fresh air coming in the box all the time
I doubt you will need a heater, the 150w HPS will put off enough heat
Thanks for the suggestion with the fan. I'll deff have to go out and grab a mini stick on wall fan and I'll just stick it to the back of the box inside. Would that work?
Well I'm in luck then, My roommate just threw one in the basement when he noticed he bought the wrong size. It's a 6inch hough, But I should be able to deal. Well today I am going to put it together(: I'll show everyone once done.