States' Rights


The 10th amendment allows the states and the people to govern themselves in matters not laid out specifically by the U.S. Constitution. Can someone explain to me why a lawsuit has not been filed against the DEA for all these raids on legal medical growers? I think it is quite obvious to most of us that they are infringing on our rights and ignoring not only the Bill of Rights, but of direct orders from the president not to pursue these growers. Maybe someone with more legal education than I have can enlighten me.

Please do not say money. That is a ridiculous argument in my opinion about people not being able to afford or willing to put up the money to fight a fight such as this. That seems to be an easy cop out answer, and the social and financial fallout of winning such a case would far outweigh the costs of posing it.

Also, I know a lot of these raids are happening without arrests or charges. However, what is consistent in them is that property and money are being taken. This would blatantly violate the 5th amendment which states that property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.