State rep goes to rehab!!!


New Member
Would you vote for a state representative that has gone to rehab and completed successfully or would you be quick to dismiss his validity as a stat rep. Personally, I don't think It would deter my vote if his platform is valid and has good change in the future, maybe because I have dealt with much bias because of my background and know that the ability to change is there and that the mistakes we make can changes for the better.
What do you all think about the subject if you don't know what i'm talking about just look up Trey Radel and read any of the corresponding articles and sound off with thought's, opinion's and/or experience's.


Well-Known Member
In his case i couldnt support him because he wanted to pass a bill that made people on welfare get mandatory drug tests.

But for the average guy just tryin to be a rep go for it. I dont think id vote for trey even if he didnt get caught with drugs.


Well-Known Member
There are tons and tons of people that go to rehab, and/or drug counseling that you see in your everyday life. Some Very successful by modern standards and some not.