starving vs flushing


Well-Known Member
I've heard of some people starving their plant of water 10-14 days before harvest instead of flushing.

Could someone point me towards some reading on the subject? I have some very nutrient rich soil that is time release that I'd like to get every penny out of.


Active Member
I'm dont have experience with this per say but I have spent hours upon hours plus a couple days of reading never once have I came across "starving".
I've read of people waiting until the plant wilts to do their waterings or flushes but not actually starving the plants for 10 days.
Myself wouldn't ever try starving my plants to flush it doesn't make sense to me seems much more reasonable that fresh clean water will do the trick.

Test it out and you'll know yourself :)
You'll want to flush the medium of residule salts (assuming you're using synthetic nutes) and during this time, the plant will use up all the stored nutrients, etc...