Starting hydroponics


Active Member
Hey RIU,

I've trolled these forums for a long time and am here to make my debut :mrgreen:

I have always bee interested in trying hydroponics but am unable to grow anything illegal due to my current conditions. I was wondering if you had suggestions of a plant that requires the same type of nutes/attention that I could test my new system on?

I built a simple hydro reservoir system and want to try it out on something and get some practice.

Thanks for looking and the advice, good growing all!


Well-Known Member
You can grow any plant in hydro.

If you want a challenge
and one that will pay off with connoisseur fruit,
try strawberries.

Do a google search.

There is a book for $40 ,
on how to hydro strawberries.

Take some pictures.

MMMMmmmmm..... big sweet, chocolate dipped, red strawberry.

Nuclear Bud

Active Member
strawberry's are the absolute best thing to grow when practicing because during the flowering phase it develops at the same speed as cannabis. its what i started on and tho im not the best ive not lost a crop yet 0/8 woo hoo


Well-Known Member
I'm saying if you can grow strawberry,
then weed will be easy.

It is cheaper to get tomatoes from the store.

But strawberries might be worth growing
if they are really done well,
with a good hybrid strain.

A private delight you could not purchase,
only grow.

Just like my plumbs.

They are so delicate,
that they could never make it to the store.

They are like a mouthful of sweet candied plumb nectar,
that melts in your mouth, the skins are so soft they burst open,
and you can pull the skin off,
by just squeezing one spot,
while you squirt the meat of the fruit into your mouth.

There are some new hybrid strawberries, with lots of sugar,
I vote strawberry !


Well-Known Member
Damn Earl, I got to get some Berrys now...... First you got to grow em. But right now I'm going to publix and buying some. You painted a taste in my mouth.:hump:


Well-Known Member
How to eat a plumb with one hand.

Start with a tree ripe plumb.

Then, swipe your thumb across the skin, to "open" it.

Now squeeze the back of the skin, and peel the plumb.

Pop it in your mouth.



Active Member
Thanks for the tips guys. I started with some tomatoes and when I move in a few months I'm going to upgrade my system and add some strawberries to snack on during the winter.

And damn, Earl, that plumb technique is impressive, I'll have to give it a try for sure!


Well-Known Member
I want to see some pix of the strawberries.

I'll have some peaches in Aug and Sept.
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