Starting first grow ever, tryin to make it good


me and a friend happened to find a plant that was already growin beside a gazebo at our neighborhood park (everybody just throws their seeds over there)

while searching for a place to put it we found a perfect spot that we figured we could use to grow more plants

that was two weeks ago and we have been researching ever since

i just germinated one seed and im gettin ready to plant it in a cup of fox farm forest gro

this is my first time but i been lurkin here for a week, so i think i can handle it

i still want to get advice on how to grow good plants

the plant we found we have now at the spot, we dont kno how old it is but i took pics today, can any of you tell me anything about it


tell me what you think and i appreciate any advice and i love this forum, very helpful thread and knowledgeable posters


Well-Known Member
Sativa I would say I would put some rich ssoil in that pot looks sandy and clay Like dirt