Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!


Well-Known Member
THanks chief, ill post an update in a bit.

The last harvest was great, some of the best iv ever smoked....I shouldve cloned


Well-Known Member
What nute regimen are you on?

And how far in flower is that WW? I ask as I get some serious N defficiency during my flowering. And your leaves look pretty good. My leaves are always yellow as hell!!! I suspect it was to making it rain on them and using only flowering nutes.

My JH has about another week or two in flower, and the leaves are starting to yellow up pretty good. I would just use blood meal usually, but I keep a big ass layer of sand on top and it is a PITA to try and get that in there. So now I'm so desperate that I am going to try to hit the plants with some Miracle Grow on next watering as it's the only thing I have laying around with a decent shot of N.


Well-Known Member
hey pelt thats what i use, MG All Purpose, bout half the small side every other feeding, i also use Mollasses, and FoxFarm TigerBloom, and MG Bloom Buster


Well-Known Member
got my girl a new pup about 3 wks ago her name is manny, pureblood beagal..she is the sweetest. My other girl is a 15 yr ole pomeranian, her name is Bri..she has been everywhere and done everything with me




haha i haven't been on here as much lately. working alot and all that good stuff, ya know. i've been keeping up with your grow though. i must say i'm very impressed! your plants are beautiful and man those things are full of trich's!!!


ahh not really. i have two plants outside right now. trying to get them going but the weather has been so shitty it just isn' really working at the moment. i've considered bringing them in for a few weeks to really get them going but idk we'll see. lol