start to fertilize first week of veg growth?


Active Member
i wanted a plant to be around 13-14 inches before i switch to 12/12. i was told to not even give it nutes in the veg stage but in a book it says to start using nutes first week of veg stage.. which one is correct?


Well-Known Member
There isnt really one answer for this question, it depends on what your soil mix is, it may have nutrients in it. And what exactly do you mean by 1st week? 1st week of their lives? They dont really need it for the 1st few weeks. If you mean the 1st week of building the clones, id give em something to eat, as they are going to get vigorous at this point, but dont feed em anything too strong ever, better too little than too much, easier to adjust.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
If your soil already has nutes in it don't give them anything until the roots fill the pot and have scavenged any nutes that are already there. If you can, repot at that point with more new soil and still don't feed. With 10" pots this takes 4 weeks anyhow. When you start fertilizing early, is when you have problems. A deficiency, if it happens, is usually easy to fix. Burn is not so forgiving.


Well-Known Member
Ya may want to give them a 1/4 dose of bloom nutes to help with root growth.Maybe say 200ppms or so.Not sure if your in soil or hydro.Soil will carry them for awhile without feeding them at all.I use foxfarm ocean forest and nutes and start me clones off with 1 tbl big bloom and 2 drops super thrive per gallon and start this at week 3 from cutting the clones.First week nothen but water daily then every other day on week two.3rd week clones are jumping out of cups and need food so they get the clone mix.So far I been starting veg 1 1/2 weeks after cloning which would put the feeding about a week out from that if thats what you mean.