Start Over ? Pics*


Well-Known Member
transplant it into a bigger pot... this may be the problem.

what is ur watering schedule?


Well-Known Member
I water it when it is dry 2-3 inches down.

But I have seen full flowering plants in a pot my size ?



Well-Known Member
doesnt matter... i had a bigbud with slow growth like urs, i transplanted and it took off...u dont have to transplant, but this is the first thing i would try before cheming my plant up...


Well-Known Member
lol not pot size related.

it has nutrient lockup. look at the colour of the stem for christs sake.
get some soil that isn't ancient, flush the plant, take it out and transplant into decent soil.

get a ph tester as well.


Well-Known Member
by the pics it looks like the plant is really lite green. maybe your ph is locked up cuz you shouldn't really have to be using nutes at this point. hhhmmmmm, i donno but it should be a lot darker. what light do you have? Maybe it is too close? Something don't look right and it should def. be growing a lot faster. Don't waste your time, start over if you want, seedlings grow really fast at the start, if you don't notice vigorus growth something is going wrong for ya buddy.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i personally think maybe 1-2 more lights would work and help out with the stretching. the soil is junk, i agree, new soil few more lights a transplant and a flush should do it. remember with new soil most of the time theres already nutes in it so dont use fert. for a while after transplanting to help avoid nute burn...


Well-Known Member
lol @ isnt ancient.. hahahaha..... but yeah i think hes right new soil needed also how far are your lights, try placing them 2-3 inches away from your plant


Well-Known Member
oh, and when you transplant put it up to the first set of true leaves, in most cases, roots will eventually come out of the stock.


Well-Known Member
your lockup could also be a result of you using heavily treated tapwater to feed your plants..

you live in a city?