Star Wars?


Well-Known Member
All that needs to be said about boba

Star wars greats trilogies ever! Way ahead of it's time and lead the way for thx, pixar, Lucas arts.
Hate on George Lucas all u want he changed everything haha
Star wars is the greatest of all time aye. But Lucas had his time. I'm not hating on him at all. But he is old now, he just needs to leave stuff alone now. He's killing us with his new ideas. He was awesome when he was making old school shit but now he made his money, now it's time to be old and like go pick up some gold diggers or somethin
Star wars is the greatest of all time aye. But Lucas had his time. I'm not hating on him at all. But he is old now, he just needs to leave stuff alone now. He's killing us with his new ideas. He was awesome when he was making old school shit but now he made his money, now it's time to be old and like go pick up some gold diggers or somethin
I agree.... his new stuff leaves much to be desired lol but he changed the game for sure and was enough to solidify his legacy regardless haha


Well-Known Member
Louis, you ever watched these reviews....

The dude is hilarious....monotonous sounding but hilarious if you get past it.


He does a whole whack of these things.
I have watched all of his reviews and they are quite funny. I also happen to agree with everything he said.