ss420's journal #3...


Well-Known Member
i hope so...

im going to run all the autos under 600ws... i dont expect much from them.. ill be happy with an ounce a piece.... say 27 of them.. so maybe close to 1 3/4s to 2 lbs??

what im REALLY looking forward to seeing is when the 60 day vegged girls get thrown under those 1000s.. crank it up to the 1000w setting.. or even try the "super lumens" setting on them... that should give me some sick yields...


New Member
yah I'm going to run a set of 10 regular auto seeds and I plan on removing one female and one male and seeding them under their own 50w of fluoro light. I will kill the rest of the males and let the girlies flower in my mini sea of green to begin Jan. 1st!! New year grow!!


Well-Known Member
ill be in the middle of the grow on new years i think.. somewhere in the middle.. terrible timing really.. nothing fun for the new years to smoke on.. just whatevers around.. i guess something is better than nothing tho..


New Member
haha I got really excited for a second there... but yea something is better than nothing. do you own the home you grow in? just currious I am renting and it is kind of sketch although one of the owners kids lives here with me and approves, well it was his idea to begin with.


Well-Known Member
yeah i own.. i wouldnt feel comfortable with what i have in a rented place... its too risky.. maybe in a situation like yours.. but definitely not in a standard renting environment..


Well-Known Member
Renting sucks, but it used to be a possibility that the feds could come repo your shit for growing. I don't know if they still can, but now days, I doubt they'll get too involved.

I rent, but I make sure that all of my modifications can be fixed with a can of spackle.


New Member
i concur

pineapple express is a pretty good choice. you will get over a lb. from the 4 with that setup, its a good yielder.


Well-Known Member
Renting sucks, but it used to be a possibility that the feds could come repo your shit for growing. I don't know if they still can, but now days, I doubt they'll get too involved.

I rent, but I make sure that all of my modifications can be fixed with a can of spackle.
if i rented i would have my setup so that it could come down in 10 minutes... more than likely i would have grow tents instead of a room itself... well.. a buncha of differences... just to make sure i was safe.. renting can be a hassle.. glad you got it locked down bro!

i concur

pineapple express is a pretty good choice. you will get over a lb. from the 4 with that setup, its a good yielder.
i was curious about it... hows the smoke?? you said the yield is good.. thats nice to hear.. my last grow i averaged 4.4 ounces a plant... that would give me just over a pound of PE if things go like last grow.. i am aiming for at least a 50% increase in yield... if i could get 6 ounces a plant i would be inline with what i want.. at least on the way to it.. still have some tweaks and shit im sure ill do to try to get more.. but thats my goal for this grow..


New Member
yeah it is a pretty good smoke, very indica. sleepy high a bit... not everything you'd hope it to be in terms of high but its potent enough and has a real fruity flavor, sometimes not very citrusy though. and the buds are a bit stemmy but have good weight to them, the buds get big with little tiny calyxes all all over de place.



Well-Known Member
it looks good... sounds good too.. im excited about trying it.. i like the couch lock sleepy buds.. thats my kind of high.. well typically it is.. nothing is better to me than getting high as fuck and then taking a nice nap.... i do like sativa highs tho too.. more when im going out or something... thanks for the pics and report bro!

so quick update... i put the autos down yesterday into their sites.. havent checked on them today yet.. i will soon tho... there are 22 royal autos, 3 ak48, and 2 road runner.. i only ended up with 22 sites total.. so the roadrunner and ak48s i put in sites.. there are17 royal autos in sites as well.. and 5 that i have in an 18 gallon tote with soil..

i only have the 1000w ballasts set at 600w... i am sure thats as high as they will go this grow.. but they are cool to the touch... even the glass cover under the lights can be touched with no or almost no heat felt.. its nice.. i am happy knowing it will stay cool enough in there for the 1000s... and then in the summer when it does get warmer i can crank open the fresh air intake to allow enough fresh co2 in to counterbalance the heat..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
get them a poppin bro. can't wait to see your babies grow.. i just started flowering monday. the crystles are still in veg for a month or so.


Well-Known Member
i got a total of 43 girls goin right now bro... 16 regular femd seeds and 27 autos.. i cant wait until they are picture worthy...

the amount of growth on them just over the last couple days is amazing tho... they took right to their nutes like nothing.. the autos especially.. i think it will only be a day or two before they surpass the regular strains in growth.. im not sure how much to attribute to the increase in lighting or them being autos.. although wattage wise each side is at the same watts... so i think its just the autos themselves.. hell i dunno..

you got any pics of the crys going right now?? what all are you flowering?? cant wait to check out your girls when they are all fat and full of flowers

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
i got a total of 43 girls goin right now bro... 16 regular femd seeds and 27 autos.. i cant wait until they are picture worthy...

the amount of growth on them just over the last couple days is amazing tho... they took right to their nutes like nothing.. the autos especially.. i think it will only be a day or two before they surpass the regular strains in growth.. im not sure how much to attribute to the increase in lighting or them being autos.. although wattage wise each side is at the same watts... so i think its just the autos themselves.. hell i dunno..

you got any pics of the crys going right now?? what all are you flowering?? cant wait to check out your girls when they are all fat and full of flowers
i got a nice nyc haze plant, directly from washington heights NY. ill take a picture later, not too much to see but just the beginning of some super LST, i will veg her for about another 3 months. im actually tryin something new this time around.. im tying everything down and in about another 3 weeks when i have 8 inchs of growth or so im going to pull out all my clips and bury the lower portion of the plant while i shave a light layer off of the stems and water with humblot root stimulator to promote a massive root system to support a major canopy, she is going to be my outdoor monster this year. still waitin on my autos to throw in the cab, im just trying to fill in my negative veg time.


Well-Known Member
i got a nice nyc haze plant, directly from washington heights NY. ill take a picture later, not too much to see but just the beginning of some super LST, i will veg her for about another 3 months. im actually tryin something new this time around.. im tying everything down and in about another 3 weeks when i have 8 inchs of growth or so im going to pull out all my clips and bury the lower portion of the plant while i shave a light layer off of the stems and water with humblot root stimulator to promote a massive root system to support a major canopy, she is going to be my outdoor monster this year. still waitin on my autos to throw in the cab, im just trying to fill in my negative veg time.
hey bro, hows it going?? glad to hear your planning a monster this summer... cant wait to watch her grow!

so by burying the lower portion of the plant are you wanting those buried branches to start producing roots?? it makes sense that they will... your scrapping the stems that are getting buried too?? thats a really good idea... i've heard of a few people doing crazy shit like that.. 1 guy i remember saying that he took a clone and buried the top and bottom in the ground, so it made an arc above the ground.. and let it grow that way.. i wonder what that would turn out to be like?? well good luck for sure! really want to see the results!

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
hey bro, hows it going?? glad to hear your planning a monster this summer... cant wait to watch her grow!

so by burying the lower portion of the plant are you wanting those buried branches to start producing roots?? it makes sense that they will... your scrapping the stems that are getting buried too?? thats a really good idea... i've heard of a few people doing crazy shit like that.. 1 guy i remember saying that he took a clone and buried the top and bottom in the ground, so it made an arc above the ground.. and let it grow that way.. i wonder what that would turn out to be like?? well good luck for sure! really want to see the results!
yep exactally, im kinda thinkin of it as an underground screen, and once it hits outside im planing on making an above ground pvc pipe screen and FIM everycola that passes through the screen. just think though as long as i dont go root bound during veg, a 12 week sativa with a 8 months of veg. she is going to be a monster, an temps have NOT been a problem, all between 68-75. still smokin from the last one:bigjoint:.

oh BTW its a clone from the last outdoor go


Well-Known Member
as long as you have a pretty good sized tote you shouldnt have root binding issues.. really you shouldnt have them anyways...

its a damn good idea bro.. i really want to see pics when it all starts...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
as long as you have a pretty good sized tote you shouldnt have root binding issues.. really you shouldnt have them anyways...

its a damn good idea bro.. i really want to see pics when it all starts...
here you go bro. here the link to my thread. i posted pics yesterday. i have mendo purp, grand daddy durp, and indica in flower . permalink il be watching for your pics


Well-Known Member
here you go bro. here the link to my thread. i posted pics yesterday. i have mendo purp, grand daddy durp, and indica in flower . permalink il be watching for your pics
ill put some pics up in a few days... im sticking with 1 week pic updates.. unless there is MAJOR change... definitely be watching your grow bro.. keep them bud porn pics coming until i have something in my room to look at.. bongsmilie

well she is about 8 weeks in

very nice bro... you should get a beast out of her in the end.. i dont think you should have any probs with your roots tho... so dont stress that

quick update.. i checked on the girls today.. and damn.. i think that the autos will surpass the others by tomorrow.. its crazy how fast autos grow.. but i guess that are fitting a month or so of veg and 10 weeks of flowering into an 8 week process.. so i guess i shouldnt be so surprised...