sprouting and lights


Active Member
so after the seeds crack and put into soil what kinda light schedule is best? more like a 18/6? so dont the roots grow at night? i have two 100w cfls how far should they be from sprout? then once the seed shell falls off how close should the light be? when should i start nutes?8)


Well-Known Member
either light schedule is fine some like 18/6 but i use 24hr schedule.realy dosen't matter just yor preferance. as far as lighting goes i would start at about 6 inches from the tops and lower them down daily till you are about an inch from the tops and then keep them in this range.cfl's dont get hot so you can keep them realy close.dont use any nutes until they are about 4 weeks old or untill you have atleast 2 sets of fan leaves.start off light though,maybe 300-400ppm and incraese weekly by 100ppm or so until you reach 900ppm. most plants do well at this strength but you can push it higher,just do it gradually though. i never go over 1200ppm in veg. hope this helps


Active Member
so the seeds just tapped out and i put them in a 1 inch rockwool cube should i put the cubes in smalll planters with foxfarm soil? or leave the cubes out under lights CFLS 2 100w 6in away


Well-Known Member
I've used foxfarm ocean forest soil and its pretty good. I just switched to happyfrog soil cuz its a little bit cheaper but anything fox farm is good. I'd recommend the foxfarm nutes because they are good as well. I would also get solubles, my plants just seem to take off from the foxfarm line! I think you can put them in the soil whenever, i've done that a few times and that way you dont have to transplant them later. Good luck