Spread Marijuana Freely

I have this awesome idea for a society dedicated to the free use of marijuana. I think the best way to do this would be to gather millions of seeds (bag seed) and plant them over entire provinces and countries outdoors so nobody could be prosecuted. The police would go crazy and courts would realize that they're fucked and just give up. Too bad there's no perennial strain!

I just felt like starting a conversation on this. Thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great idea except that most hybrids are invasive weeds. Let's not fuck up our ecosystems even more in the name of marijuana - the forest clearing and nutrient dumps in California on state/national parkland is bad enough.


Active Member
I'm all for it. Been buying regs until my grow is finished and saving all the seeds. Come April/May, I may have like 500 seeds to plant all across the county. :)


Well-Known Member
LOL I've only been around here for a few months myself, but I can see a pattern. Someone posts this idea at least once a month :)


Active Member
at first i thought this was a great idea. but then i thought what about all that male pollen in the air? when if it gets inside and seeds people's crops. sure would piss me off. also it might create more jobs for law enforcement.


Well-Known Member
They wouldn't have to worry about marijuana as an invasive species because they could just direct pot poor people to them and they'd be picked clean.


Well-Known Member
There IS a perennial strain, it's called ditch weed or hemp and totally fucks up any outdoor grows in the mid west.

Any drug strain will quickly revert to this, just like domestic pigs revert to feral hogs.

You would not be doing anyone any favors.



Well-Known Member
There IS a perennial strain, it's called ditch weed or hemp and totally fucks up any outdoor grows in the mid west.

Any drug strain will quickly revert to this, just like domestic pigs revert to feral hogs.

You would not be doing anyone any favors.

Amen to this. I love mustard greens but both the mustard that grows in ditches on the side of the road as well as the wild mustard that grows in the mountains looks and tastes like garbage.
Haha. Well, it'd have to be an awesome perennial strain. I just think it'd be funny to get a couple hundred people from each country/state to do this. I live in Canada so one winter and the entire project is dead. In the states though, hahaha it makes me laugh just thinking about all these cops going nuts trying to burn it all. Lol.


Well-Known Member
there is a perennial one, someone posted on here about it a few months back, called devilboy or something or other


Well-Known Member
The point isn't whether or not the seeds people plant everywhere will produce seedless plants or even plants worth smoking. The point is that the plants will just be there. Maybe (just maybe) some people in high places (no pun intended), will realize that it's JUST A FUCKING PLANT and will give up trying to make people feel like criminals for smoking or growing it.


Active Member
Mate i'm bang up for that..
Already brought a shit load of lowryders seeds that i have every intention of sowing all round my town lol..
parks, roundabouts even cracks in the pavement in our town center..
Ppl need to stand together and shout from the rooftops...

good luck


Active Member
Dont do it in town, thats just dumb and they will get destroyed quickly. The way to do it is sprout them and go as deep into the woods as you can and find a nice wetter area, then plant them all over. Move away, plant them all over, move away, pant them all over. Get the seeds everywhere in places they may not grow well, all the better. A tree is more likely to be caught, than a small 2ft plant that hardly has any buds. Eventually they will spread, but the only way for them to spread and stay is for them to have a surviving population that sint killed the second someone goes downtown.

As for ecologically, weed was here long ago. We just removed it, with lots of effort. Humans have destroying entire species down to a science. Adding it back wont destroy anything, if anything it would help. More food for animals, it aerates the soil. It dies off every year, so it may outgrow some stuff one summer, but the next summer it has to do it all over again, with the other plants having a year on it.

I support everyone in doing this. I personally think it should be made a holliday on fb or something. This 420, go out and plant all of your seeds, with the intention of not coming back for them


Active Member
thats the plan.. it'll get the local newspapers involed when they see plants popping up everywhere.. i've no intention of harvesting these plants lets just call it a pr stunt.. lol

people need to see that it is just a harmless plant...


Active Member
I have found that waiting for people isn't the way to go with anyone, let alone stoners. Waiting for people will only let you down. Just go out and do it! Do you want to save the plant, or do you want media coverage? You cant wait for a train full of people to go to south america with you to clean shit. You gotta make an effort because like .0001% of people are actualy willing to do anything. With he south america thing, you can make an organization around it, here, we just gotta go under the radar. I support you 100% but, posting it will a) lead to them finding out who it was b) make you a target. Don't preach, do!

We have the power, we have the will, we can do this. Don't wait for an invitation. You make your own invitation. We can't sit around waiting for some magical hero to ride in on a magical steed. That moment will never come, we need to make our own horse and ride alone into the darkness. Lighting a torch will only alert the guards to your journey. They guard the fortress well so be careful.

The world asks for a savior, well the police make the savior who has come in: a criminal (source: everything ever made with a hero). Only this is real life. The savoir the world needs is mary jane. We could supply 95% of our fuel needs with mary jane. We could combat our CO2 emissions by instead of deforesting, reforesting. Almost anything that can be made from trees can be made from hemp. Solve food shortages, hemp seeds, enough said. Every major problem in the world today stems from a lack of resources, be it food, or fuel. Do you think anybody would hate america if they had all the food they needed? Decent housing (shut up, I know I just named one of the few things hemp cant make that trees can)? If they had everything they needed to be happy, then there wouldnt be these issues. Hell, high people tend to not hate as much either. In short, save the plant, save the world. Don't wait around for someone else to save it.

I am not saying go out and plant seeds everywhere, I am saying absolutely nothing, everything I just said is a joke, lol.