SPRAYED MY GIRLS WITH SOAP & WATER and they started dying immediately


So I found some seeds in my weed and decided to give growing a shot, they sprouted BEAUTIFULLY! So big and green and happy!! So I started going to this hydroponic shop to get them nutrients and ask questions and they told me to keep bugs and nats off to spray them with dawn soap mixed with some water‍♀ Thinking I got some amazing advice I went home and did it immediately and they started dying almost immediately how can I bring my girls back to life???



Well-Known Member
So I found some seeds in my weed and decided to give growing a shot, they sprouted BEAUTIFULLY! So big and green and happy!! So I started going to this hydroponic shop to get them nutrients and ask questions and they told me to keep bugs and nats off to spray them with dawn soap mixed with some water‍♀ Thinking I got some amazing advice I went home and did it immediately and they started dying almost immediately how can I bring my girls back to life???
Washing the soap off of it sounds like a good start.


I did that the next day, but they’re outside and the sun pretty much dried the soap onto the plants before I could wash it completely off, so I cut some of the dead leaves off and tried flushing them. Should I just leave them alone for a few days and just water them And let them do their own thing? Or do I need to go get nutrients and try to bring them back to life..?


Well-Known Member
Just water and wait. If you didn't drench the soil with the mixture the roots should still be okay, and since you're in soil you shouldn't need nutes, and they may make things worse. A case of nute burn on top of what's already happened would be likely to kill your plants. You might want to spray the leaves with pure water once or twice if you think there's still a residue of soap on them. Pinner is right about the times to do so. Either at sunup or sunset, any other time during the day risks the water focusing the sun onto the leaves causing more burns. These plants are really amazingly resilient, despite the best efforts of noobs all over the world. We've all done something really dumb to our plants at least once. It's how you learn.


Well-Known Member
I would also remove any badly damaged leaves to let the plant focus on new growth and not have to worry about trying to heal damaged leaves. Now don’t remove all the leaves, but just the really damaged ones. I’ve never heard of using dawn as a solution to keeping bugs away. I would maybe add a drop to Some sprays on waxy plants to break surface tension for better coverage but never just a soap water solution


Thank u EVERYBODY SO MUCH for all of your replies!!! This is my first time growing and it’s strictly out of the love for the plant so I just wanna do things right for my girls & they are re-growing new leaves beautifully but they are growing out with burnt tips, I’ve ONLY been watering them and playing salsa music in the middle of all of them since their tragedy.. it seems to really be helping them re-grow!! except for the tips ‍♀



Did the bugs go away?
They actually did! Haha BUT! I also have some babies growing that we’re sprayed that now are bigger and THEY are attracting all the nats no other bugs that I’ve seen.. I keep a pretty close eye on them and check on them throughout the day for bugs or anything and keep salsa music playing for them :) they are ALL loving it! Haha


I would also remove any badly damaged leaves to let the plant focus on new growth and not have to worry about trying to heal damaged leaves. Now don’t remove all the leaves, but just the really damaged ones. I’ve never heard of using dawn as a solution to keeping bugs away. I would maybe add a drop to Some sprays on waxy plants to break surface tension for better coverage but never just a soap water solution
Thanks so much for your advice!! I definitely listened and my girls are 99% back to healthy!!



Well-Known Member
next time, cinnamon mixed into your media. Gnats hate it, and other pests as well, and helps with roots. 1tsp per 1 gallon pot of media. You will be amazed at how great it controls a gnat problem,