spout problem


Active Member
Hey guys, been growing out doors for few years and never encounted this problem, at the moment i have 5 plants going, they are probably almost double size of this one,

on this plants first set of leaves, the pointy tips seem to be dead or something, they are yellow/brownish and really dry, its only like 2-3mm of the tip , center of plant ( new leaves) seem fine,

just wondering if this plant is worth growing? or will it die, as i said never had this problem so not sure it it matters

heres a picture sorry for shitty cam, red arrows point to the deadish curled up tips

Thank you for reading.


Well-Known Member
i wont waste my time on a plant that comes out of the gate with problems like this .
kill the weak and let the strong rule the grow room.
it may live and take off but it might also have you back on here every few days pulling your hair out overwhy its growing so silly.
so you tell me is it worth it ?
maybe if its a 20 dollar seed but if it came out of a bag kill the fucker